[NCUC-DISCUSS] Diversity issues vs personal preferences

thatomfikwe thatomfikwe at gmail.com
Sun Jul 1 23:18:17 CEST 2018

Hi Stephanie,
You have pinned and articulatef my thoughts very well, I couldn't habe said it better.

Thato Mfikwe.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.-------- Original message --------From: Stephanie Perrin <stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca> Date: 30/06/2018  21:04  (GMT+02:00) To: ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org Subject: Re: [NCUC-DISCUSS] Diversity issues vs personal preferences 

    I do think that Thato
          has touched upon a problem that has not, to the best of my
          knowledge been discussed before, namely the accountability of
          the CEO and management team for staffing decisions.  Is there
          a policy that addresses diversity?  I doubt it, I am not even
          sure there is a policy or strategic priority that underpins
          the globalization of offices and remote participation of
          staff.  So diversity and multiculturalism may not be an
          expressed goal in ICANN hiring practices.  In my view it
          should; I regard the staff of ICANN.org much as I would a
          government organization, I expect it to explicitly attempt to
          mirror the community it serves.  Implicit in that is cultural
          diversity, not just regional presence.  However, there are
          many who measure ICANN as a high tech corporation, with
          different metrics.  

    If you wish to
          register community distress at what the CEO actually said, my
          recommendation would be to channel it through the fellowship
          program (who invited him) and get multiple signatures from
          those who were there and actually heard him
    cheers Stephanie

    On 2018-06-28 17:38, Bram Fudzulani

      The session was not recorded and I remember the CEO asking
      Siranush if we were being recorded to which she responded the
      session was not being recorded.



        Sent from my iPhone

          On 28 Jun 2018, at 2:57 PM, Ayden Férdeline <icann at ferdeline.com>


            Hi Thato,


            Do you know if this session was recorded?  


            Best wishes,

            Ayden Férdeline 



            ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

             On 28 June 2018 1:35 PM, thatomfikwe <thatomfikwe at gmail.com>


              Hi members,


              I am sharing this message as a concerned member of


              Today, 28 June 2018, ICANN 62 during the Fellowship
                seşsion we were  visited by the CEO of ICANN and after a
                lengthy discussion followed Q&A, a question was
                asked about diversity in appointment to ICANN org staff
                and the board since it seems like a certain type of
                people were preffered over other races.


              The troubling response from the CEO was that his
                decisions were personal and he is not prepared to answer
                this and started swaying his response towards gender
                balance that exists with the board and ICANN org which
                was not the actual question.


              Now this expérience makes one wonder how
                accountability is measured or evaluated within ICANN org
                as it seems like they do as they please. This response
                from the CEO left fellows disgrantled and I think this
                matter needs to be taken forward and escalated to the
                board and community before further damage is done. The
                response from the CEO was inconsiderate, not
                appropriate, unethical, unproffessional and was way out
                of line.


              Comments are welcome on this matter as I believe that
                accountability needs to strengthen, thanks for taking
                time for reading.


              From concerned Thato Mfikwe.




                Sent from my
                  Samsung Galaxy smartphone.



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