[NCUC-DISCUSS] Nomination of Bruna Santos for NCUC LAC

Bruna Martins dos Santos bruna.mrtns at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 20:14:07 CEST 2017

Hi everyone!

Dear all

Thank you Antonella for the nomination, it was a pleasure to share this
ICANN immersion with you ! And thank you to everyone who seconded my

I accept it and I am more than happy to be considered for the post as
Renata's work within the community is definitely something to look up to!
I am looking forward to working closer with the NCUC team if you all think
I am capable for the job!


2017-10-03 14:53 GMT-03:00 Marilia Monteiro <mariliaamonteiro at gmail.com>:

> I would like to echo the support for Bruna Santos for the LAC EC seat.
> I have followed her work and collaborated with Bruna since she acted as a
> legal advisor to the Executive Office of the President of Brazil. She has a
> strong background on Internet Governance both in the regional and the
> international levels and related tech issues. She was at the organization
> committee from Arena NetMundial, an unconference that was held by the
> Brazilian government during the days of the NetMundial aimed to discuss
> principles of Internet Governance with the civil society and, since than,
> Bruna has been doing a beautiful job as a young women in the IG ecosystem
> within the Youth Observatory, civil society co-cordinator at the Internet
> Governance Caucus (IGC), ICANN fellowship alumni and NCUC.
> We need voices like hers.
> All the best,
> Marília Monteiro
> 2017-10-03 13:55 GMT-03:00 Flávio Rech Wagner <flavio at inf.ufrgs.br>:
>> Hi everybody
>> I strongly support the nomination of Bruna Santos for the LAC EC seat.
>> She is a young leader with a strong background on Internet governance, full
>> of energy and fully commited to main civil society interests within ICANN
>> and other relevant policy forums.
>> Best regards,
>> Flavio
>> Hi!
>> I would like to nominate Bruna Santos for NCUC LAC. I believe she is a
>> great fit, for she has been doing a great job involving her LAC colleagues
>> and fellows and anyone interested in NCUC's work and internet policy.
>> I had the chance to share her first immersion to ICANN this year in
>> Copenhagen, where from the start she was eager to learn, cooperate and
>> integrate newcomers to the community. Bruna has also worked well in
>> beginning her steps in working groups and policy discussions within the
>> constituency, where she actively participated.
>> New members welcome the recognition of those who work hard for NCUC so I
>> believe Bruna would be a good choice.
>> Best,
>> Antonella Perini.
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>> Prof. Flávio Rech Wagner		   Tel: +55-51-3308 9494 <+55%2051%203308-9494>
>> Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul  Fax: +55-51-3308 7308 <+55%2051%203308-7308>
>> Instituto de Informática		   E-mail: flavio at inf.ufrgs.br
>> Porto Alegre, Brasil			   URL: www.inf.ufrgs.br/~flavio
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> MM
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*Bruna Martins dos Santos *

+55 61 99252-6512
Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
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