[NCUC-DISCUSS] IGF Brazil - rules for travel support within Brazil only

Renata Aquino Ribeiro raquino at gmail.com
Mon Aug 21 23:41:21 CEST 2017


IGF Brazil has published the rules for travel support which may apply
IF (gigantic if) NCUC proposal is approved.
We only have 1 proposal on the run
Up to 6 travellers supported per proposal
New proposals can be sent up until 27aug
Travel support covers airfare within Brazil to Rio and hotel

Original text

Automated translation

Rules for granting assistance to selected Workshops

The NIC.br/CGI.br will be responsible for the issuance of tickets and
the granting of aid for the expenses of stay of up to 6 (six) members
of each workshop selected for the Internet Forum, as indicated by The
submission form, in accordance with the following rules:

1) A maximum of 4 (four) speakers / panelists / debater will be
confirmed for each workshop, necessarily being a person from each of
the four sectors, as indicated on the submission form; and

2) A maximum of three (3) other members of the workshop will be
assisted, necessarily being a moderator and / or a rapporteur and / or
a proposer.

Questions about the aid can be clarified by email forumdainternet at cgi.br

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