[NCUC-DISCUSS] Fwd: Brief points on Public Interest Registry advisory council meeting

farzaneh badii farzaneh.badii at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 20:31:57 CEST 2017

Dear NCUC members

I am representing NCUC on the PIR advisory council and had my first meeting
​ was​
a week ago. Below are a number of issues that were discussed which I could

1. Development of the concept of the Systematic Copyright Alternative
Dispute Resolution was within the past 18 months, presented at 4 ICANN
meetings and presented at two Internet and Jurisdiction Project Meetings.
The advisory council was not consulted with directly.

2.  PIR asked the advisory council to come up with a concept paper on the
process of how to ask the community about SCADR to determine whether or not
to implement such a proposal. The concept paper on the process of seeking
feedback can then be sent by the representatives of the advisory council to
their respective community (in our case to NCUC) for comments.

3. I requested to have more information about the SCADR sent to the
advisory council. Perhaps a background paper would be good.The
dissemination of the background paper will be limited to the advisory

4. There will be a face to face meeting for the advisory council between
September to October


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