[NCUC-DISCUSS] NomCom Review

Dr. Tatiana Tropina t.tropina at mpicc.de
Fri Nov 25 10:35:36 CET 2016

Hi Tapani,

> And that's the issue here, not cooperation in the council.
Sure this is the issue. But this issue triggered some viewpoints that
framed (e.g. being paid vs not being paid, money vs interests of
humanity etc) the whole discussion rather broad. Once you broaden it
that far, it required a bit of explanation from the perspective of those
who does the work and carry out collaboration with those stakeholders
that are allegedly driven by money to explain that this is not always
the case. I believe that James and I and others who intervened felt that
such framing is unfair to say the least, especially when bribes issues
were raised.

So while I understand the discussion went away from the initial point, I
still support James in his very timely intervention in explaining that
such framing with regard to the representation issue might not be

Warm regards

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