[NCUC-DISCUSS] NomCom Review

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Fri Nov 25 10:17:52 CET 2016

On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 09:38:40AM +0100, Dr. Tatiana Tropina (t.tropina at mpicc.de) wrote:

> Collaboration with the GNSO colleagues is the key for our success.

Absolutely. We definitely should try to work more across all divides
and seek cooperation with all other groups wherever we can.

But we should also recognize the limits in that, remember that we do
have our own unique interests to defend, and that there are situations
where we must stand for ourselves and can't expect help from the
loyal opposition, as it were.

And a rather obvious case of that is our representation in various
groups and organizations. We really cannot expect cooperation from the
business constituency in getting ourselves more representatives in the
NomCom, any more than they'd help us get more councillors or whatever,
apart from strict quid-pro-quo arrangements.

And that's the issue here, not cooperation in the council.

Tapani Tarvainen

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