[NCUC-DISCUSS] NomCom Review

Tapani Tarvainen tapani.tarvainen at effi.org
Fri Nov 25 07:20:37 CET 2016

This discussion has strayed a bit strangely. It seems people are talking
at different levels of abstraction so to speak and getting confused.

First there's, let's say philosophical, abstract level, where Raoul's
point is obvious: commercial actors are by definition motivated by
money, thus not only can be bought but have already been bought.

Second, on the level of individual level it is clear, as Matt et al
have pointed out, people's motivations are complex and variable,
and cannot be reduced to simple money/other division.

But for the present purpose, trying to increase our representation
and to improve the influence of non-commercial interests, the former
is what we should be talking about. It's not the motivations of
individuals but what they represent that matters there.

Despite of the complexity of the motivations of individual business
constituency's representatives, we cannot assume they will also keep
non-commercial interests in mind so we don't need to worry about that.

They are there to represent business interests, we need to be there to
represent non-commercial interests. We should we talking about how to
further that goal, rather than nit-picking and fighting with each
other about things that don't help us there.

Tapani Tarvainen

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