[NCUC-DISCUSS] 答复: Final Selection Results of ICANN Mentor Pilot Program

Zalnieriute, Monika Monika.Zalnieriute at EUI.eu
Wed Jan 27 09:43:03 CET 2016

Very happy for both - congrats! See You soon in Marrakech![&#X1f60a]


Dr. Monika Zalnieriute

C I H R : Centre for Internet & Human Rights I
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Z E P H I R O : Progressive Platform for Human Rights I

a:  Vilnius Str. 14 - 7, LT ¨C 01402, Vilnius, Lithuania |
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From: Ncuc-discuss <ncuc-discuss-bounces at lists.ncuc.org> on behalf of Milan, Stefania <Stefania.Milan at EUI.eu>
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 8:25 PM
To: Peter Green; NCUC-discuss
Subject: Re: [NCUC-DISCUSS] ´ð¸´: Final Selection Results of ICANN Mentor Pilot Program

I cannot think of a better match! Congrats to both, this will go a long way.

Well done EC [&#X1f60a]

Da: Ncuc-discuss <ncuc-discuss-bounces at lists.ncuc.org> per conto di Tuhaise Robert <tuhaiserobert at gmail.com>
Inviato: marted¨¬ 26 gennaio 2016 20.10
A: Peter Green
Cc: NCUC-discuss
Oggetto: Re: [NCUC-DISCUSS] ´ð¸´: Final Selection Results of ICANN Mentor Pilot Program

Congs to Kathy and Padmini

On Jan 26, 2016 7:05 PM, "Peter Green" <seekcommunications at hotmail.com<mailto:seekcommunications at hotmail.com>> wrote:

Dear NCUCers,

We are a day behind the deadline to announce the selection results of the Mentor Pilot Program.

Apology for this belated announcement.

After a call for selecting a Mentor and a Mentee for the current round of ICANN Mentor Pilot Program, on behalf of the EC, now I would like to report to you the EC¡¯s final selection results.

It is impressed that we received 4 formal applications for the Mentor (in chronological order):

1. Dr. Tatiana Tropina, Germany

2. Remmy Nweke, Nigeria

3. Kathy Kleiman, female, USA

4. Carlos Vera Quintana, Ecuador

We received 12 formal applications for the Mentee (in chronological order):

1. Soumya Iyer, female, India

2. Patrick Lenihan, Canada

3. Isaque Joaquim, Mozambique

4. Ayden Fabien F¨¦rdeline, UK

5. Benjamin Akinmoyeje, Nigeria

6. Sana Ali, female, Canada

7. Melaku Girma, Ethiopia

8. James Njoroge Gitau, Kenya

9. Renata Aquino Ribeiro, female, Brazil

10. Padmini Baruah, female, India

11. Tuhaise Robert, Uganda

12. Nobert Komlan Glapke, Togo

Firstly, for the Mentor position, the EC agrees to select Kathy Kleiman, one of the co-founders of NCUC, as the Mentor. Since the inception of NCUC, she has been being active and is experienced, nice to mentor. Honored and glad to have Kathy for the Mentor.

Then when it comes to selection of a Mentee, the EC did have much difficulty when reviewing and selecting. We had such a good pool of candidates, some of whom have been around NCUC for a year or two, some of whom are new members for even only months, some of whom have been in ICANN meetings, ICANN Fellows, Next-Gen members. All of them have expressed interest to learn.

According to the criteria and context requirements listed in the call, the EC finally comes to select Padmini Baruah, a female student from India, as the Mentee.

As is agreed, we truly need a person who has strong wish to learn, to be engaged in the work of ICANN and NCUC. After the mentoring, we need him or her to sustain interest and energy to keep up with NCUC mission, that is, to contribute ideas and do policy comment work to ICANN to make our voices heard.

In this thread, we select Padmini, who was then endorsed by Edward Morris, James Gannon, Arun Mohan Sukumar, etc. We learnt that she had done some remarkable work on DIDP and transparency.

We did note Avri¡¯s suggestion that, after completion of this Program, we need Kathy and Padmini to produce some advice to ICANN to improve and expand the program.

Again, it is due to this call that we see so many excellent volunteers who express their wish to learn and be involved in this community, for which we truly embrace. We could have our own Mentors and Mentees. In future, we may have to ask ICANN to expand the number of Mentors and Mentees for NCUC. For those who agree with this idea, you are encouraged to select your Mentor.

Any comments and thoughts to improve our work would be appreciated.

Wish the Mentor Pilot Program a great success.

Thank you so much for your interest, time and energy.

(Before announcing the final results, I sadly got to know from Amr what happed to Rafik.

Condolence to him. I know we are all with him in this hard moment.)

Best Regards

Zuan Zhang/Peter Green

·¢¼þÈË: Peter Green <seekcommunications at hotmail.com<mailto:seekcommunications at hotmail.com>>
·¢ËÍʱ¼ä: 2016Äê1ÔÂ23ÈÕ 22:17
ÊÕ¼þÈË: ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org<mailto:ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org>
Ö÷Ìâ: ´ð¸´: Call for Candidates of ICANN Mentor Pilot Program

Kind reminder for the correction:

4. Diversity (for the Mentee only)

In terms of diversity, Mentee candidates from Africa, MEMA region or the Latin region are preferred. In case, there are more candidates, ladies are preferred.

Best Regards


NCUC-EC Asia/the Pacific Representative

·¢¼þÈË: Ncuc-discuss <ncuc-discuss-bounces at lists.ncuc.org<mailto:ncuc-discuss-bounces at lists.ncuc.org>> ´ú±í Peter Green <seekcommunications at hotmail.com<mailto:seekcommunications at hotmail.com>>
·¢ËÍʱ¼ä: 2016Äê1ÔÂ23ÈÕ 22:14
ÊÕ¼þÈË: ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org<mailto:ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org>
Ö÷Ìâ: [NCUC-DISCUSS] Call for Candidates of ICANN Mentor Pilot Program

Dear NCUCers,

ICANN is doing a Mentor Pilot Program, which will be starting in Marrakesh.

Now NCUC has to call for TWO candidates within the Constituency, one Mentor and one Mentee, i.e. 1 vs 1.

ICANN would provide travel support for selected candidates of the Program for the Marrakesh meeting.

Please find the attached introduction document of the Mentor Pilot Program.

The Program aims to seek those who have strong wish to learn and get involved with ICANN as soon as possible and those who have strong wish to coach, educate.


1. Time (for both the Mentor and Mentee)

Under the instructions of the ICANN staff, each week both the Mentor and Mentee should allocate one or two hours meeting online in their agreed-upon timeframe.
So candidates must ensure they have time.

2. Good Knowledge about ICANN (for the Mentor only)

According to the Mentor Pilot Program, we need one Mentor, who is an ICANN  veteran.  We need one who has strong wish to educate and mentor new guys and could come up with an idea of coaching, for instance, a specific area or subject.

3. Without Knowledge about ICANN  (for the Mentee only)

Newbies, unfamiliar with ICANN, are welcome. We need him/her to be engaged with enthusiam and sustained interest about ICANN.

4. Diversity (for the Mentor)

In terms of diversity, Mentee candidates from Africa, MEMA region or the Latin region are preferred. In case, there are more candidates, ladies are preferred.

5. A Brief Report (for the Mentor only)

We need the Mentor to draft a brief coaching report which could tell us what the Mentor has done for coaching the Mentee. It could be brief.

6. The final decision regarding selection of the Mentor and Mentee candidates rests upon the EC.

When the EC makes the final selection, it would deliver its rationale.

ICANN may provide travel support for Mentors and Mentees  for future meetings.

As time is a little bit urgent, please respond by 20:00 UTC, Monday, 24th, Jan, 2016.

The Executive Committee will be announcing the selection results by 12:00 UTC,  Monday, 25th, Jan, 2016 and then deliver the results to ICANN staff.

Best Regards


NCUC-EC Asia/the Pacific Representative

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