[NCUC-DISCUSS] Membership engagement thread

William Drake wjdrake at gmail.com
Sun Nov 16 10:09:01 CET 2014


I’d like to amplify a point Stefi made on the NCUC ELECTIONS thread.  The EC is in fact a place where one can begin to engage without having a lot of background in ICANN policy matters.  Indeed, the current EC has three members that were not active in NCUC before they stood for election in Dec. 2013, and the same can be said for the EC that was elected in Dec. 2012.  As she says,  "Being able to answer mails promptly and act as reference point for your region of reference (and create opportunities to speak about NCUC and recruit new members) is key.”  The former is really the minimum requirement; in the two years I’ve done this we have had EC members who for whatever reason simply did not reply promptly to emails, if at all, which complicated and slowed down decision making and meant I had to spend my time sending them follow up messages pleading for responses.  So anyone who’s a live body and will respond to mail so group decisions can be made, and can do a little outreach within their respective regions, is most welcome to stand for election.  And if they get elected and choose to do a bit more, e.g. work with the EC and general members on in-reach, our e-presences, and other tasks we need performed to be a functioning constituency internally and at the stakeholder group level where GNSO policy is done, fantastic. 

Moreover, NCSG is now represented in the GNSO Council by four members who were not here a couple years ago, and NCUC is represented on the NCSG PC by someone who came aboard this year, etc.  That said, for the Council or PC positions one really does need to either be fairly “plug and play” on GNSO policy matters or willing to roll up sleeves and be a quick learner. But the main point is, neither NCUC nor NCSG are hermetically sealed spaces where only the same “old hands” are continuously reelected or reappointed to representative positions; far from it.  The processes are open to newbies, but you have to be pro-active enough to engage effectively.  Reading the mail list discussions (including the archives of previous discussions), the NCUC and NCSG websites, the GNSO and ICANN websites are good ways to get oriented in that direction.

And I strongly agree when she says,

> Please come forward and make these elections fun! :-)



> On Nov 15, 2014, at 12:00 PM, Milan, Stefania <Stefania.Milan at EUI.eu> wrote:
> Great that at least we have a candidate per slot. However, elections to be fun must be a tad competitive, right?
> I want to join Bill in encouraging more people to come forward and stand up for election.
> I can share my own experience, in the hope to encourage more members to give this option some consideration: believe it or not, being part of the EC is a way of accelerating the learning curve. You don't necessarily have to be an expert or someone with a long history in internet governance. In fact, what you need is to some hours a week to spare (sometimes more, often less than that), and, most importantly, willingness to contribute your ideas and enthusiasm. NCUC needs an engaged and responsive EC able to support the Chair. Being able to answer mails promptly and act as reference point for your region of reference (and create opportunities to speak about NCUC and recruit new members) is key.
> Please come forward and make these elections fun! :-)
> Stefania

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