Milan, Stefania Stefania.Milan at EUI.eu
Sat Nov 15 12:00:44 CET 2014

Great that at least we have a candidate per slot. However, elections to be fun must be a tad competitive, right?
I want to join Bill in encouraging more people to come forward and stand up for election.

I can share my own experience, in the hope to encourage more members to give this option some consideration: believe it or not, being part of the EC is a way of accelerating the learning curve. You don't necessarily have to be an expert or someone with a long history in internet governance. In fact, what you need is to some hours a week to spare (sometimes more, often less than that), and, most importantly, willingness to contribute your ideas and enthusiasm. NCUC needs an engaged and responsive EC able to support the Chair. Being able to answer mails promptly and act as reference point for your region of reference (and create opportunities to speak about NCUC and recruit new members) is key.

Please come forward and make these elections fun! :-)

Stefania Milan, PhD
Data J Lab || Tilburg University, the Netherlands || datajlab.nl ||
The Citizen Lab || Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto || citizenlab.org ||
Internet Policy Observatory || Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania || globalnetpolicy.org ||
European University Institute || www.protestsurvey.eu/ ||
Center for Media and Communication Studies, Central European University || www.cmcs.ceu.hu ||
International Association for Media and Communication Research - International Council member and Co-Chair, Communication Policy Task Force || www.iamcr.org ||
Executive Committee, Non-Commercial User Constituency, ICANN
mobile: [31] 62 7875 425 (NL) || [1] 647 - 973 - 6533 (CA) || [+39] 333 - 2309945 (I)
stefaniamilan.net || @annliffey

Da: ncuc-discuss-bounces at lists.ncuc.org <ncuc-discuss-bounces at lists.ncuc.org> per conto di William Drake <wjdrake at gmail.com>
Inviato: sabato 15 novembre 2014 11.42
A: João Carlos Rebello Caribé
Cc: NCUC-discuss
Oggetto: Re: [NCUC-DISCUSS] NCUC ELECTIONS 2014: NOMINATIONS OPEN 3 -   16      November


Great, thanks much João.  So we now have at least one candidate for each of the EC slots, whew.  If anyone else wants to throw a hat into the ring, the deadline is tomorrow Sunday anywhere on earth.



> On Nov 14, 2014, at 7:50 PM, João Carlos Rebello Caribé <caribe at entropia.blog.br> wrote:
> Folks,
> I wanna to nominate myself to the
> EC – Latin America/ Caribbean seat Joao Carlos Caribe

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