Edward Morris edward.morris at alumni.usc.edu
Thu Apr 25 22:47:23 CEST 2013

Hi everybody,

ICANN today announced it will open it's first hub office in Istanbul,
Turkey. The office will be headed by David Olive and will be one of ICANN's
three global offices, the other two being in Los Angeles and Singapore.

Co-equal headquarters, Fadi's new vision, is a discredited management
theory. It just doesn't work and  creates dissonance,  unnecessary expenses
and rivalry between the "co-equals". The European Parliament, to a degree,
the Nationsbank - BankAmerica merger, the Kansas City - Omaha Kings
basketball team from the '70's....there is a long history of co-HQ that
just don''t or didn't work. I cant't wait to make my public comment on this
decision. Oops, there is none.

Istanbul is one of my favorite cities in the world to visit. It's physical
beauty, food, vibrant cross cultural and historical essence makes it a
great place to spend time. My friends in Greece, Kurdistan and Cyprus may
disagree. As the home of free expression and human rights within ICANN ( I
just checked our publicity materials) what do we say about this decision? A
bit about Turkey:



My first reaction is that, as Fadi hopes to have Istanbul up and running by
June, we need prompt and aggressive outreach to our civil society friends
and individuals in Turkey. There are those who argue that engagement with
partially closed societies opens things up and should be encouraged. I'm
skeptical of these arguments but am happy to try.

If anyone knows of potential NCUC members, organizations or individuals, in
Turkey please encourage them to apply for membership in our community
(application here:
https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/How+to+Join) or please
send their names and any contact information you may have to me at
ncuc at ncuc.org and I'll make the contact. If there are positives to be had
for the noncommercial community in Turkey because of this decision, let's
reach out, contact our friends there and welcome them into the NCUC family.

Kind Regards,

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