[NCUC-DISCUSS] Registrants Rights and Responsibilities: let's propose a real alternative

Wendy Seltzer wendy at seltzer.com
Mon Apr 8 17:37:14 CEST 2013

Fadi mentioned this document
 in his opening, and other Board members raised it again this evening.

We've characterized it as a toothless document. I suggest that we draft
an alternative document, with REAL rights, including:

The rights to:
* persistent neutral resolution of the registered domain
* no suspension or termination of registration without due process
* privacy options in the provision and display of registration data
* fair and non-discriminatory treatment from registrars and registries
* no censorship of domain use, content, or communications through
registries or registrars
* right to use the registered domain for any purpose

Responsibilities, including:
* to be contactable, or to provide an alternative such as allowing the
registrar to suspend registration on unresponded-to allegation of abuse
* not to use the domain name for abuse of the DNS (to be defined more
specifically: e.g., specific DNS attacks, deliberate malicious
distribution of malware, or criminal activity)
* not to cybersquat (already defined in UDRP)

To have the most impact, it would be great if we could get a statement
together during the Beijing meeting, since the Board may well be asked
to vote on the RAA by late April. Please feel free to add to the above.

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