NCUC ExCom elections

Norbert Klein nhklein at GMX.NET
Fri Oct 26 04:22:19 CEST 2012

Thanks Brenden (Brenden had asked me if I had written to the list -
whether I accept the nomination as a candidate for the ExCom resident in
the Asia region).

Here is my response:

Yes I accept the nomination.

And I am of course also prepared to say more how I would see the
challenges we face, once the organizers of the election make some
suggestion about a common framework for such statements.

I live in Cambodia, where the society is struggling since years how to
prepare elections in a way which leads to comparable pieces of
information from the people who have been nominated to stand for
election. A number of people whom I respect much think that a
pre-formatted list of questions to answer publicly is useful to achieve
an informed electorate.

Norbert Klein
Open Institute
Phnom Penh

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