discussion on xxx domain? [ncsg-policy] Draft NCSG comments to GNSO Council on Rec 6

Andrew A. Adams aaa at MEIJI.AC.JP
Fri Jan 14 01:56:46 CET 2011

Rudi asked:
> how effective is an filter and any body know how effective the Chinese
> government filter political content ?

The main aim of the PRC government has been to suppress discussion in Chinese
between Chinese citizens. They long ago realised that their system was not
going to be perfect and adopted a "chilling effect" approach combining
blocking of external websites which contain things likely to promote
discussion of political change in China and blocking Chinese-language web
fora where the government was criticised or "democracy on the Western model"
for China was being promoted or discussed, together with high profile arrest
and prosecution for persistent online critics resident in China. The
anti-porn elements seem mainly to be used as a smokescreen for their
political goals, as a way to justify their general filtering technology and
other regulations of, e.g. Internet cafes, and to distract Chinese people
from these political issues by creating a moral panic.

(BTW, any chance of you learning how to use the shift key? English is much
easier to read when it includes standard capitalisation at the start of

Professor Andrew A Adams                      aaa at meiji.ac.jp
Professor at Graduate School of Business Administration,  and
Deputy Director of the Centre for Business Information Ethics
Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan       http://www.a-cubed.info/

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