Reveiw Team choices made

William Drake william.drake at GRADUATEINSTITUTE.CH
Sun Oct 3 11:59:21 CEST 2010


On Oct 1, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Avri Doria wrote:


Congratulations to our nominees David Cake (SSR) and Kim von Arx (WHOIS) on their appointments.  It's worth noting that the GNSO was only given three slots on the SSR team, and that David was selected instead of the registrar's candidate.

While we're on the subject of review teams, there's another piece of encouraging new to pass along.  Willie Currie of the Association for Progressive Communications, who has been very effectively representing NCSG on the Accountability and Transparency Review Team, has had to step down because he's taken a job with the South African government.  He has been congratulated and thanked for his service by the NCSG Policy Committee, but of course his departure was also a concern as we really need to have strong public interest voices on this RT as it moves into its last few months of work.  We had to scramble on a short time line to identify a potential replacement who'd have a good chance of being endorsed by the GNSO Council and accepted by the Selectors (the chairs of the board and GAC) without issues or delays.  Happily, Carlos Affonso Pereira de Souza, a Professor of business law in Brazil and recent NCSG Councilor, has agreed to step in and represent us despite the daunting end game work load, and the Selectors have encouraged the Council to endorse him, which is now pending and should work out (Councilors have until Wednesday 6th to object, but that'd be rather contrary to the basic political bargain on SG RT representation).  So assuming this goes off without a hitch, congratulations and thanks to Willie and Carlos as well.



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