please approve or propose to modify this position statement

Milton L Mueller mueller at SYR.EDU
Thu Sep 25 00:04:25 CEST 2008

These pertain to outstanding issues related to the GNSO reform

Note: NCA = nomcom appointee


Issue 5 - Implementation; 


NCUC favors rapid implementation of the new bicameral voting structure.
We strongly support January 2009 as the time frame for starting with the
new council structure, and see many costs and no benefits from deferring
this. Delay will turn the current GNSO and Council into lame ducks that
accomplish nothing for an extended period of time, and will sow
confusion among noncommercial entities we are getting into ICANN. 


We plan to develop a new charter for a NCSG in time for the Cairo
meeting, where we will discuss it with ALAC and reach agreement on
principles if not all the details.


In anticipation of the transition, we will be electing 6 rather than 3
Council representatives in our Fall election, knowing that the bottom 3
of the top 6 candidates will have to wait to be seated, or may not be


As part of this new charter, we are developing a plan for the bottom up
recognition of new constituencies within the NCSG. We have already come
up with an outline of a simple 4-step process. The key to making this
work is to de-link constituency recognition from the right to elect a
specific number of Council seats. We believe that the NCSG member
organizations should vote as a plenum for Council seats. This would more
fairly reflect the will of the stakeholder group, and incent
constituencies who want to elect people to the Council to conduct
outreach to get new organizations to join. It also maintains an
integrated communication and administrative structure among all the
constituencies. It also handles more adroitly the problem of
constituencies that overlap. Noncommercial groups simply cannot afford
to maintain duplicate organizational overhead and duplicate procedures.
We believe that noncommercial user groups have already suffered greatly
from the fragmentation of noncommercial participation into NCUC and
ALSs, and do not want to see that division maintained. Each
constituency, however, would place a representative on the NCSG
Executive Committee.



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