Cairo minutes responses and discussion points

Mary Wong mwong at PIERCELAW.EDU
Thu Nov 6 00:32:44 CET 2008

Cheryl, thank you for your notes and comments, which I hope will help move our discussions forward. In fairness, however, and for the benefit of those who were not at the meeting or who are new to our group, I feel obliged to clarify certain points, as follows:

1. The minutes are intended to be a factual report on what was actually said and done at the meeting, and not as a memorandum initiating further discussion points. This is why explanations and background/context are not included in the minutes. That is the function of this listserv, your additional comments and Milton's questions.

2. I must emphasize to everyone not present that no votes on any of the substantive issues we are now discussing were taken at the meeting. If I conveyed that impression by using phrases such as "the group agrees", I apologize. That kind of phrase was rather more intended to give the sense (which I feel was accurate) that nobody had any disagreement or objection in principle to that specific point (or at least none were expressed). Where there was disagreement on specific issues, I believe I noted that there was no consensus among those present.

3. Although Harald and Roberto were not speaking "for the Board" (a point that I tried to capture through as accurate a description of each of their comments as possible, which I attributed to the specific speaker), I believe that their visit was, in fact, on the Board's behalf (not in their personal capacities) and as such can fairly and accurately be described as a visit by representatives of the Board. As their comments are, as you noted, very important for us to take into account going forward, I want to make this clear to those who were not present at our meeting.

Thanks again for the additional comments, which as I said will help move our discussions forward. I look forward to hearing the views of members on these important questions.


>>> Cheryl Preston <PRESTONC at LAWGATE.BYU.EDU> 11/05/08 11:54 AM >>>
Attached are my comments about what was discussed at the Cairo meeting, part I.  I raise several discussion issues.  I will send part II when it is finished.  


Cheryl B. Preston
Edwin M. Thomas
Professor of Law
J. Reuben Clark Law School
Brigham Young University
434 JRCB
Provo, UT 84602
(801) 422-2312
prestonc at

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