tentative agenda ncuc debate on privacy+whois+new mou

Carlos Afonso ca at RITS.ORG.BR
Sun Nov 19 14:18:00 CET 2006

Dear people,

After a lot of back and forth with several people, I have the tentative 
agenda below for a (less formal than in Vancouver) meeting to debate 
whois, privacy, and the new Icann-DoC MoU. Several criteria used:

- presence in the Icann meeting (NCUC will not be spending money to 
bring people specifically for this)

- regional balance (very difficult, but at least we will have a regional 
LA&C panel)

- gender balance (disastrous so far)

Some have not confirmed. I tried Pierre Dandjinou from Benin to 
represent ALAC but he is not responding. Kim von Arx and Michael 
Froomkin will not be able to make it.

More nows in the next 2-3 days. Hope we can make it. At least we will 
have the infrastructure -- a 200-people room and powerpoint hardware.

Needed: suggestions for moderators for the two panels (not me)

Comments and suggestions welcome, of course!


Current tentative agenda

Proposal (v.1.2)

NCUC meeting on Whois, the new MoU, and right to privacy
Open to all participants of the ICANN meeting

Date: 05-Dec-2006
Time: 14:30 - 18:45
Room: TBA


14:30 - 16:30 - International debate: ICANN, Whois, and the new MoU (in

Tentative panel:
Martin Boyle (GAC rep. UK) - confirmed
Ronaldo Lemos (FGV/CTIS Brazil) - confirmed
Robin Gross (IP Justice, GNSO Council) - not yet confirmed
[Izumi Aizu (ALAC, Japan) or Vittorio Bertola (ALAC Europe) - not yet 
[Demi Getschko or Raimundo Beca, ICANN Board - not yet confirmed]
Mawaki Chango (NCUC) - confirmed

16:30 - 16:45: break

16:45 - 18:45 - Whois and right to privacy in Latin America and the
Caribbean (mostly Spanish and Portuguese, English also welcome)

Tentative panel:
Omar Kaminski (CGI.br) - confirmed
Carlos Affonso Pereira de Souza (FGV/CTIS) - confirmed
Sebastián Ricciardi (ALAC) - confirmed
Erick Iriarte Ahon (Alfa-Redi) - confirmed
[Raimundo Beca (ICANN Board) - not yet confirmed]

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