[ncdnhc-discuss] Shangai Communique's

Erick Iriarte Ahon faia at amauta.rcp.net.pe
Wed Oct 30 15:30:20 CET 2002


In this message:

1. ccTLD Communique
2. APTLD Communique
3. ccNSO Assistance Group Coomunique
4. GAC Communique 

Erick Iriarte Ahon
Proyecto: LatinoamerICANN

1. ccTLD Communique


of the



October 29, 2002


144 representatives of 67 country codes met in Shanghai, China on October
27, 28 and 29, 2002. A list of the country codes which were present or
appointed proxies is attached.

The country code managers record their appreciation for the work done by
the members of the local host organising committee, in facilitating this


1.1     In Stockholm in June 2001, the ccTLD community began the process
of withdrawing from the DNSO and forming a Support Organisation to
represent country code interests in ICANN. That process is complete, with
the withdrawal taking effect at the close of the Names Council meeting


2.1      Managers re-confirmed the detailed Response to the ERC Blueprint
which had been produced and delivered in Bucharest in June 2002 (see
www.wwtld.org/documents). It was expected this would provide support for
ccTLD members of the cc Assistance Group in presenting and developing the
position of the ccTLD community. We noted with dismay that the ERC has not
yet taken into account what was said in Bucharest.

2.2     Managers agreed that the first output from the Assistance Group, a
graphical analysis of the functions, responsibilities and accountabilities
of parties involved in internet registry maintenance, provided a useful
tool for further work by the Assistance Group in defining the scope of the
ccSO and accepted the Assistance Group's working methodology.

2.3     In view of the continuing failures by ICANN in conducting its
stewardship of the IANA function, particularly in relation to ccTLD
database updates, managers agreed to set up a Working Group to develop a
plan to set up a system of independent management of the DNS root entries
and database entries. It is expected this plan will be developed in
parallel with attempts to create an acceptable ccSO, and to be available
in the event that is unsuccessful.

2.4     Managers agreed that while a role for ccTLD managers in ICANN was
being reviewed, managers would continue to operate as The World Wide
Alliance of ccTLDs, using the existing Administrative Committee,
secretariat and systems, although henceforth outside the ICANN bylaws.

2.5 It was agreed that no ccTLD meeting would be organized in conjunction
with ICANN's proposed meeting in Amsterdam in December.

2.6     Managers wholeheartedly support the Blueprint for reform of
Internet address management which is proposed by the Regional Address


3.1     Presentations were received from the ICANN IDN Committee (Masanobu
Katoh and Vincent W Chen), and the IETF (John Klensin) on recent
developments with internationalised domain names. Managers expect to play
a leadership role in the introduction of internationalised domain names,
and have formed an IDN committee to coordinate ccTLD activity.


4.1     Detailed presentations were received from CENTR, LACTLD and APTLD,
which each rejected, on technical and other grounds any proper basis for
the recent requests by the ICANN staff operating the IANA for transfers of
zone files as a precondition to them updating the IANA database transfers.

4.2     Managers endorsed the statements made by the regional
associations, and called on the board to immediately instruct the ICANN
staff managing the IANA function to make timely updates in response to
proper requests, without imposing any conditions.

  4.3    Managers appointed 4 delegates [Porteneuve (.fr), Davies (CENTR),
Dolderer (.de), Robles (.mx)] to the proposed working group involving the
ICANN staff and the Stability and Security Advisory Committee. Those
delegates will prepare a mission mandate for on-line approval by managers,
and their participation will be subject to any output being approved by
the ccTLD managers, as the delegates have no authority to create policy
for ccTLDs.


5.1     A productive working session was conducted in Shanghai, during
which there was a useful exchange of views on the IANA function, ICANN
reform and the possibility of further cooperation.


6.1     Expert volunteers provided training over 2 days in the running of
ccTLD name servers to 32 trainees from 17 ccTLDs. Thanks are due to Bill
Manning, Yang Woo Ko and Joe Abley for their huge contribution, and to the
ccTLD Secretariat for organizing this valuable event.

6.2     The next scheduled event is planned to occur in Brazil in March
2003. Training willb be conducted in Spanish.


7.1     Excellent presentations on DNS services provided by their
registries were given by .de, .au, and .jp; and by .nl on a new DNS server
that has been developed by RIPE NCC and NLNET Labs. Managers noted the
significant benefit of sharing information of this sort between managers
at this meeting.


8.1     Richard Hill (ITU) took part in a panel presentation on Resolution
102. Other participants were Marilyn Cade (ATT) and Tony Holmes (BT).
ccTLDs were asked for information on their Admin Contacts.


9.1     Managers expressed their grateful thanks with small presentations
to Elisabeth Porteneuve and Oscar Robles on the completion of their
service as Names Council representatives for the former ccTLD
constituency, noting the duration, difficulty and range of services which
had been demanded of them, and their consistent high level of performance
and service to the ccTLD community

9.2     Managers also expressed their thanks to Dr B.K Kim for his service
as Executive Director of the ccTLD Secretariat for the past 18 months, and
paid tribute to the developments of the secretariat and the work done
under his leadership.

List of ccTLDs Represented:

.ac - Ascension Islands .lt - Lithuania
.af - Afghanistan       .ly - Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
.as - American Samoa    .mt - Malta
.at - Austria   .mu - Mauritius
.au - Australia .mw - Malawi
.bd - Bangladesh        .mx - Mexico
.be - Belgium   .my - Malaysia
.bf - Burkina Faso      .na - Namibia
.bi - Burundi   .nl - Netherlands
.br - Brazil    .no - Norway
.bv - Bouvet Island     .nu - Niue
.bz - Belize    .nz - New Zealand
.ca - Canada    .pe - Peru
.cc - Cocos Islands     .ph - Philippines
.cd - Congo, Democratic Republic of     .pl - Poland
.ch - Switzerland       .pm - St. Pierre and Miquelon
.cl - Chile     .re - Reunion Island
.cm - Cameroon  .ro - Romania
.cn - China     .sc - Seychelles
.co - Colombia  .se - Sweden
.cx - Christmas Island  .sg - Singapore
.cz - Czech Republic    .sh - St. Helena
.de - Germany   .sj - Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
.es - Spain     .th- Thailand
.fj - Fiji      .tk - Tokelau
.fr - France    .tv - Tuvalu
.gg - Guernsey  .tw - Taiwan
.gr - Greece    .uk - United Kingdom
.hk - Hong Kong .us - United States
.io - British Indian Ocean Territory    .vi - Virgin Islands (USA)
.je - Jersey    .wf - Wallis and Futuna Islands
.jp - Japan     .yt - Mayotte
.kr - Korea, Republic of        .za - South Africa
.li - Liechtenstein


Shanghai, China
26th October 2002

The APTLD, meeting in Shanghai with members from Japan, China, Singapore, 
Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Niue, New Zealand and Taiwan, makes the 
following statements:

1.      We note that the ccNSO Assistance Group has reported on the 
progress in developing the scope of the Supporting Organisation and the 
approach taken in determining the nature of roles, responsibilities and 
accountabilities might have merit;
2.      A statement on APTLD's position in relation to ICANN's Zone 
Transfer Policy was adopted and is attached as Appendix A;
3.      A comprehensive report on outreach in the Asia-Pacific region was 
received and we noted that future activities must meet the needs of Pacific 
4.      We resolved to sponsor attendance by ccTLD managers at further 
APTLD meetings and made specific plans for the APTLD AGM scheduled for 
Taiwan in February 2003;
5.      An explicit resolution on Internationalised Domain Names was passed 
and is attached as Appendix B; and
6.      We commend the efforts of the ccTLD Secretariat in organising and 
conducting ccTLD Nameserver training for 31 people from approximately 19 

We thank .cn for its efforts in making the necessary arrangements and for 
facilitating the holding of the APTLD meeting in Shanghai.

On behalf of the APTLD,

Ramesh Kumar Nadarajah
Asia Pacific Top Level Domains

Appendix A

APTLD Statement on ICANN Zone Access Policy

26 October 2002
1       Introduction

ICANN had recently issued an FAQ at 
http://www.iana.org/faqs/tld-zone-access-faq.htm regarding the policy to 
access to TLD Zone Files that was posted in September 2002 ("IANA's 
FAQ").  After perusing IANA's FAQ, we find that the explanations provided 
to justify the zone access policy unsatisfactory and we present our 
arguments in this document.

2       IANA's FAQ

2.1     IANA stipulates that access to TLD zone files facilitates diagnosis 
of DNS problems and helps in analysing DNS performance. We are of the 
opinion that DNS performance analysis does not require zone file 
access.   There are tools available (such as DNS Expert) that can assist in 
checking a particular TLD zone.

2.2     A DNS query, such as dig or nslookup, can check on delegation 
accuracy and proper configuration. This query can be done quickly. Further, 
the design of the DNS is in such a way that ensures optimum stability such 
that parent TLD domains are not affected by the misconfiguration of its 
delegated sub-domains.

2.3     We do not agree with the assertion that the basis of IANA's zone 
access policy is found in RFC1591. RFC1591 does not address zone access at 
all and instead states the following:-

2.4     "There must be a primary and a secondary name server that have IP 
connectivity to the Internet and can be easily checked for operational 
status and database accuracy by the IR and the IANA."

2.5     The ground of requiring copies of zone files in order to provide a 
last-resort backup to help ensure DNS stability in the event of local 
catastrophic failures is also questionable. The requirement of two name 
servers addresses the issues of zone data redundancy and network 
redundancy. This redundancy issue is addressed by, ideally, having 
geographic and network diverse secondary name servers.

2.6     Nonetheless, we find IANA's offer of providing last-resort back-up 
service of interest and would like to seek clarification on whether this is 
a service that IANA intends to offer, particularly to ccTLDs who face 
difficulties finding overseas secondary name servers?

2.7     We completely agree with the importance of ensuring DNS operational 
stability and performance. It is hoped that clear guidelines on such 
practices will be formulated in due course based on bottom up and 
transparent processes.

2.8     Any decision on methods of name servers checking should be made in 
consensus with the ccTLD community.

3       Conclusion

We reiterate that the IANA FAQ does not justify its grounds for requiring 
access to zone files. Technical updates, such as name server changes, 
submitted to IANA should be acted upon promptly, irrespective of whether 
IANA has access to a ccTLD's zone files.

Appendix B



Internationalised Domain Names (IDN) went through the standardisation 
process at IETF which  approved publication of four proposed standards.

APTLD recognises the need of co-ordination on IDN, in particular in its 
localisation and global deployment.

APTLD specifically recommends that the global Internet community undertakes 
the following:

1.      Development of Issues List
2.      Development of Recommended Best Practices
3.      Creates archives of various resources from around the world
4.      Undertake public relations effort, including outreach

APTLD further recommends all stakeholders to co-ordinate on this matter, 
especially the ccTLD community which includes all  language communities in 
the world.

APTLD specifically recommends:

1.      THAT the ccTLD Constituency (ccSO) to form IDN Working Groups to 
address issues for various language groups
2.      THAT the global Internet community have regular fora among various 
stakeholders to co-ordinate activities starting with information exchanges.

See Appendix for the relevant organisations working on IDN activities and 
their archive.

Signed: APTLD


IETF/IDN WG             www.ietf.org
ICANN/IDN Ctte          www.icann.org
DNSO/IDN WG             www.dnso.org
APTLD                   www.aptld.org
CDNC                            www.cdnc.org
JPNIC                           www.jpnic.org
JDNA                            www.jdna.jp
KRNIC                   www.krnic.or.kr
TWNIC                   www.twnic.org.tw
CNNIC                   www.cnnic.org.cn
MINC                            www.minc.org
AINC                            www.ainc.org

3. ccNSO Assistance Group Coomunique

ccNSO Assistance Group

Communiqué -- Shanghai
29 October 2002

The ccNSO AG has identified five areas on which it will make 
recommendations (scope, policy development process, membership, council, 
structure) to the ERC.

The AG considered scope to be the primary issue and met with the ccTLD 
constituency on Monday 28 October 2002 to receive input on its thinking. 
The AG received general support for its proposed methodology for defining 
scope and based on this it will solidify its recommendation.

The ccNSO AG intends to proceed with preparing recommendations on the 
remaining four issues in the following manner:

1)         posting preliminary recommendations on each issue.

2)         requesting feedback in a timely manner.

3)         considering feedback in relation to the preliminary 
recommendation and its effect on other recommendations.

4)         compiling all recommendations and providing them to the ERC.

In completing its work, the ccNSO AG is extremely conscious of ensuring 
that it provides its recommendations in a prudent, timely and efficient manner.

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