[ncdnhc-discuss] Re: Overdue constituency contributions 2002

Harold J. Feld hfeld at mediaaccess.org
Thu May 30 15:34:30 CEST 2002

As was decided by the Names Council, no action will take place against 
the NCC until after the Budget Committee has issued a recommendation on 
the NCC response to the show cause letter and the Names Council votes on 
the Budget Committee recommendation.

The Budget Committee is scheduled to to hold a meeting on June 5, 2002, 
8 a.m. EDT.

During the Interim, Adcom continues to remind overdue members to pay 
their dues, and has continued to pass on what dues it collects to Names 
Council.  In all respects, we have made the best efforts to pay the 
assessed dues, and willcontinue to do so.

Harold Feld

DNSO Secretariat wrote:

>Overdue Consituency contributions: 2002
>Dear NCDNH Constituency,
>Please find at the below url,
> Overdue Invoices - Payment status of DNSO Contributions by Constituencies.
>The amount of $13 994.00 is outstanding for your constituency.
>In accordance with the Names Council decisions this notice appears on the
>DNSO website after a 60 day period.
>Settlement of this amount would be appreciated.
>Thank you,
>DNSO Secretariat

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{\plain Harold Feld\par
}{\plain Associate Director\par
}{\plain Media Access Project\par
}{\plain hfeld at mediaaccess.org}}

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