[ncdnhc-discuss] The propsed NomCom

James Love james.love at cptech.org
Sat Jun 1 16:12:05 CEST 2002

In the May 31 document, the Committee on ICANN reform proposes the creation
of a Nominating Committee, called the NomCom, that will both nominate *and*
elect (possibly subject to acceptance by the ICANN board) 5 to 11 members of
the ICANN  board.     The members of the NomCom will be selected by, the
ICANN BOD.   So effectively, the ICANN board elects its electors.

This is I guess the Cuba, Iraq or IOC method of doing things, to make sure
an unpopular or incompetent regime can stay in power.



"In our view, the NomCom must include both delegates (we use that word to
reflect our view that, while they may come from a particular community, they
have a broader responsibility and should not be subject solely to
instructions from that community) from the various policy-development bodies
and advisory committees of ICANN (including the GAC) and from other groups
with interests in the information society and the Internet. It should draw
from the technical community (especially those who have broad knowledge
about the strengths and weaknesses of various members of the technical
community), as well as from the various social communities interested in
ICANN's work. It might include former Board members and others with direct
knowledge of what skills are necessary to be an effective ICANN Board
member. In our view, it should be chaired by a sitting Board member who is
not up for reappointment; this Chair should be non-voting but responsible
for managing the process to a successful conclusion in a timely manner."

James Love mailto:james.love at cptech.org
http://www.cptech.org +1.202.387.8030 mobile +1.202.361.3040

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