[ncdnhc-discuss] Consumer Protection resolution

James Love love at cptech.org
Sat Feb 9 07:06:18 CET 2002

Milton, is this the task force that only members of the NC can serve on?
Has this restriction changed?  And can the membership of the NCC have a
say on who represents it on these task forces, or must all of these
decisions be made by the Adcom without input from the membership?  Jamie

----- Original Message -----
From: "Milton Mueller" <Mueller at syr.edu>

Currently the DNSO has a Task force on domain name
transfers which deals directly and in excruciating detail
with consumer protection issues related to transfering names
between registrars.

I am the NCDNHC representative on that TF. After the
elections, I will be willing to continue serving in that capacity
if the new Adcom/NC reps want me to.

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