[ncdnhc-discuss] Role of ITU and ICANNh

James Love james.love at cptech.org
Wed Apr 24 18:40:18 CEST 2002

For years the ITU has been held out as a bad alternative to ICANN.
However, in this latest proposal, the ITU has offered to have some limited
engagement.   In looking specifically at the proposal of the ITU working
with ICANN on a boundary statement, I think this would be useful.  Suppose
for example that ITU wasn't a perfect organization to do the current ICANN
functions, but ITU didn't want ICANN to grow beyond its current mission.
Suppose that we also don't want ICANN to grow beyond its current mission.
Then maybe on this one point, it would be useful to work with the ITU on an
ICANN boundary statement.

I don't have strong feelings on this, and would be willing to have it
explained why this would be a bad thing.   In terms of why it might be a
good thing, consider the following:

1.  ITU has strong public sector involvement.
2.  ITU says it has a process to allow NGOs to participate without paying
fees.  Below is a list of 24 NGOs where ITU waived fees.
3.  ITU claims it is changing.
4.  If NGOs participate in ITU, they would probably have a postitive impact,
as has happened with WTO in recent years.
5.  Gives ICANN a bit of competition, and gives people a place to complain
if ICANN doesn't listen.
6.  Doesn't give ITU any authority of its own.
7.  ICANN's own non-profit charter and mission statements are not very
limiting, or don't have much permanent effect, as a two third vote of the
ICANN board can do just about anything it wants.  An external charter is a
bound to be a more meaningful limit than any international boundary set by
the ICANN board.


                                                    Regional and internat.
                                  - 1 -                      4/24/2002
        V.  Regional and other international organizations (CV231)

  Acronym                      Name
  AHCIET    Association Hispano-Américaine des Centres
             de Recherche et d'études des
             télécommunications (AHCIET) - Hispano-
             American Association of
             Telecommunications Research and Study
             Centres - Asociación Hispanoamericana de
             Centros de Investigación y Estudios de
             Telecomunicaciones (AHCIET), Genève,
   ASETA    Association of Andean Community
             Telecommunications Enterprises -
             Asociación de Empresas de
             Telecomunicaciones de la Comunidad
             Andina, Quito, Equateur
  CE / EC   Communautés européennes (CE) - European
             Communities (EC) - Comunidades Europeas
             (CE), Bruxelles, Belgique
 CEI / IEC  Commission électrotechnique internationale
             (CEI) - International Electrotechnical
             Commission (IEC) - Comisión
             Electrotécnica Internacional (CEI),
             Genève, Suisse
CICR / ICRC Comité international de la Croix-Rouge
             (CICR) - International Committee of the
             Red-Cross - Comité Internacional de la
             Cruz Roja, Genève, Suisse
   CIGRE    Conférence internationale des grands
             réseaux électriques à haute tension
             (CIGRE) - International Conference on
             Large High Tension Electric Systems -
             Conferencia Internacional de las Grandes
             Redes Eléctricas de Alta Tensión, Paris,
   CIRM     Comité international radio-maritime (CIRM)
             - International Maritime Radio
             Association - Comité internacional
             Radiomarítimo, Londres, UK
 CIT / ITC  Congrès international de télétrafic (CIT)
             - International Teletraffic Congress
             (ITC) - Congreso Internacional de
             Teletráfico (ITC), Stuttgart, Allemagne
EBU  / UER  Union européenne de Radio-Télévision (UER)
             - European Broadcasting Union (EBU) -
             Unión Europea de Radio-Televisión (UER),
             Genève, Suisse
   ECTA     European Competitive Telecommunications
   ETNO     European Public Telecommunications Network
             Operators'Association (ETNO), Buxelles,
EURELECTRIC Union of the Electricity Industry,
             Bruxelles, Belgium
    GCC     Conseil de coopération du Golfe pour les
             pays arabes - Gulf Cooperation Council
             (GCC) for Arab Countries - Consejo de
             Cooperación del Golfo para los Estados
             Arabes, Manama, Barhain
   IATA     Association du transport aérien
             international - International Air
             Transport Association (IATA) -
             Asociación de Transporte Aéreo
             Internacional, Montreal, Canada
   IFIP     Fédération internationale pour le
             traitement de l'information -
             International Federation for Information
             Processing (IFIP) - Federación
             Internacional de Tramitación de
             Información, Laxenburg, Autriche
   INTUG    International Telecommunications Users
             Group, Brussels, Belgique
    ISO     Organisation internationale de
             normalisation - International
             Organization for Standardization (ISO) -
             Organización Internacional de
             Unificación de Normas, Genève, Suisse
   ISOC     Internet Society (ISOC), Reston, Virginia,
    OTI     Organisation de la télévision ibéro-
             américaine - Ibero-American Television
             Organization - Organización de la
             Televisión Iberoamericana (OTI), Mexico,
    PTC     Pacific Telecommunications Council,
             Honolulu, USA
   SITA     Société internationale de
             télécommunications aéronautiques (SITA)
             - International Society for Aeronautical
             Telecommunications - Sociedad
             Internacional de Telecomunicaciones
             Aeronáuticas, Paris La Défense, France
    UIC     Union internationale des chemins de fer
             (UIC) - International Union of Railways
             - Unión Internacional de Ferrocarriles,
             Paris, France
   URSI     Union radio-scientifique internationale
             (URSI) - International Union of Radio
             Science - Unión Radiocientífica
             Internacional, Gent, Belgique
   URTNA    Union des radiodiffusions et télévisions
             nationales d'Afrique (URTNA) - Union of
             National Radio and Television
             Organizations of Africa - Unión de las
             Radiodifusiones y Televisiones
             Nacionales de Africa, Dakar, Sénégal


*) Organization exempt from contribution to the expenses, under Council
Resolution No. 925

      VI.  Regional telecommunications organizations (CV260)

 Acronym                           Name                           Unit/N
APT  /     Télécommunauté Asie-Pacifique (TAP) - Asia-Pacific     *)
TAP          Telecommunity (APT) -Telecomunidad Asia-Pacífico
             (TAP), Bangkok, Thaïlande
ATU / UAT  Union africaine des télécommunications - African       *)
             Telecommunication Union - Unión African de
             Telecomuncaciones, Nairobi, Kenya
CEPT       Conférence européenne des Administrations des Postes   *)
             et Télécommunications (CEPT) - European Conference
             of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations -
             Conferencia Europea de Administraciones de Correos
             y Telecomunciaciones, Oslo, Norvège
CITEL      Conférence interaméricaine de télécommunications -     *)
             Inter-american Telecommunications Conference -
             Conferencia Interamericana de Telecomunicaciones
             (CITEL), Washington, USA
COMTELCA   Commission technique régionale des télécommunications  *)
             -Regional Technical Committee for
             Telecommunications - Comisión Técnica Regional de
             Telecomunicaciones (COMTELCA), Tegucigalpa,
COPTAC     Conférence des Postes et Télécoms de l'Afrique         *)
           Change name as of 1.1.98 ?? Formerly CAPTAC

             (Conférence des Administrations des Postes et
             Télécommunications de l'Afrique Centrale (CAPTAC) -
             Conference of Postal and Telecommunications
             Administrations of Central Africa - Conferencia de
             Administraciones de Correos y Telecomunicaciones de
             Africa Central), Kinshasa, Rép. Dém. du Congo
CTU        Union des télécommunications des Caraïbes - Caribbean  *)
             Telecommunication Union (CTU) - Unión de
             Telecomunicaciones del Caribe, Port of Spain,
             Trinidad & Tobago
ETSI       Institut européen des normes de télécommunication -    *)
             European Telecommunication Standard Institute
             (ETSI) - Sophia Antipolis, France
LAS / LEA  Ligue des Etats arabes - League of Arab States (LAS)   *)
             - Liga de Estados Arabes, Caire, Egypte
RCC           Communauté régionale des communications (RCC) -     *)
                Regional Commonwealth in the field of
                Communications (RCC) - Comunidad Regional de
                Comunicaciones (RCC), Moscow, Russie


*) Organization exempt from contribution to the expenses, under
Council Resolution No. 925

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