[ncdnhc-discuss] ITU on ICANN

James Love james.love at cptech.org
Mon Apr 15 20:11:41 CEST 2002

I was struck by the final section of the ITU paper, which provided these
4 suggestions where "ITU can assist ICANN."    On the face, these seems
like constructive areas.  My personal favorite is:

    "Working with ICANN to define an internationally agreed restatement
and description of the boundaries for ICANN's policymaking mission. "

     What do others think of this?  I think it could be a good thing,
such no practical boundary currently exists.


----- Original Message -----
> ITU can assist ICANN by:
> 1.   Asking its membership to comment on ICANN reform;
> 2.   Participating as appropriate in policy councils, the
> Technical Advisory Committee, and the Government Advisory
> Committee, if such bodies are created in a reformed ICANN
> 3.   Working with ICANN to identify areas where certain functions
> could be performed in cooperation, for example:
>   3.1. ccTLD management
> 3.2. management of the "arpa" domain
> 3.3. management of the "int" domain
> 4.   Working with ICANN to define an internationally agreed
>   restatement and description of the boundaries for ICANN's
>   policymaking mission.  Consideration could be given to developing
>   an ITU-T Recommendation with that goal.

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