[ncdnhc-discuss] Membership eligibility for chapters

Milton Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Tue Nov 27 00:32:08 CET 2001

Mr. Todd:
I personally am willing, during the 
charter revision process, to change the 
rules to allow ISOC chapters in foreign 
countries, or where real autonomy 
can be demonstrated, to join as voting 

The same logic might apply to CPSR and 
ACM chapters as well. And we already count 
SDNP "chapters" as separate members, 
because they are pretty autonomous. 

Once we have a real membership dues 
structure, it is easier to make this 
change. When membership was free, allowing 
chapters to join as full voting members 
risked abuse, as there could be a temptation
to "stack" the membership.

What do other members think?

The main point is that if we are willing
to work together constructively, problems
in the charter can be addressed. I respect
and am willing to listen to legitimate
folks like Veni Markovski of ISOC-poland
and Mike Todd of ISOC-LA. 

I admit that I am more suspicious of
people like Kent, who stretched our membership
requirements to begin with by joining as a
boat club, whose policy positions never
seem to correspond to the interests of
real noncommercial organizations, and who
wants to play both sides of the fence by
joining the Business constituency. That's
exactly the kind of gaming we were trying to
prevent with the original rules. 


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