[ncdnhc-discuss] ccSO

Chun Eung Hwi ehchun at peacenet.or.kr
Mon Dec 24 05:58:39 CET 2001

Dear Milton Mueller and others,

No, nobody will want to get such a result as you have just guessed. 
Then, even in the case that you have just made, I don't think that ccSO
would fully represent Registries because ccTLD group is composed of many
diversified interest groups from their own governance structure. And I
also proposed some kind of best practice guidelines for ccTLDs as a
consensus policy of ICANN community.

One of main motivations that ccSO is proposed in ccTLD community is the
fact that while ccTLD related policies are the main concern of ccTLDs,
ICANN had been dealing largely with gTLD issues and Board has not dealt
with ccTLD issues with legitimate concern. And in dealing with other
things than ccTLD related issues, ccTLD community should and would seek
consensus policy. Therefore, if more democratic governance structure of
each ccTLD and more close and effective cooperation between DNSO and ccSO
could be arranged and structured, I think that ccSO would contribute to
making more sound DNS policies.  

Throughout this discussion, I found that some people are thinking that
ccTLD would ultimately represent commercial interest while some others
think that ccTLD would take more locally balanced public views on DNS
policies. Maybe, reallistically, ccTLD would take somewhere around such
extreme positions. Anyhow, I think that the existence of ccSO would be
better than the present commercial interest dominating DNSO sole structure
because it would become another negotiation channel for making sound DNS
policies where public interest group would participate in many other ways. 
What matters is how to ensure such democratic governance structure in most


Chun Eung Hwi
Chun Eung Hwi
General Secretary, PeaceNet | phone:     (+82) 2- 583-3033
Seoul Yangchun P.O.Box 81   |   pcs:     (+82) 019-259-2667 
Seoul, 158-600, Korea       | eMail:   ehchun at peacenet.or.kr   

On Fri, 21 Dec 2001, Milton Mueller wrote:

> This is where we (i.e., you and I, ALejandro)
> may share common ground. 
> If the NCDNHC and ccTLDs are "under the same (policy
> making) roof" then we must negotiate and enter into
> dialogue with each other, at least on GLOBAL issues.
> We can then present to the Board a "consensus." 
> If there is a separate ccSO, then the CCs make their
> own policy proposal, the "users" make their own, and
> the "suppliers" make another. Who decides which one
> to implement? In what forum do these different views
> get reconciled? 
> It can only be a) the Board or b) the ICANN 
> management.
> Does the ICANN Board want to be the ultimate broker 
> and negotiator of all the compromises and deals
> required to get a consensus policy? Probably it is
> not up to the task - it is an unpaid, voluntary, 
> part-time Board.
> So that leaves the management/staff. 
> Is that what we want?
> >>> "Alejandro Pisanty - CUAED y FQ, UNAM" <apisan at servidor.unam.mx> 12/20/01 09:44PM >>>
> the NCDNHC was formed to enter dialogue with other types of
> interests in domain names: registries, registrars, ccTLD administrators,
> etc. As long as we are under the same roof we may try to give discussions
> a global significance. The NCDNHC - ccTLD relation is more or less on an
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