[Ncuc-af] Re : [Apply] NextGen at ICANN Deadline 11 January

Yazid AKANHO yakanho2 at yahoo.fr
Tue Jan 1 15:12:43 CET 2019

Hi Ines and team,I was 30 in december 06.Based on the eligibility criteria, am I excluded or is it possible to apply?
I use this opportunity to wish all of this family a happy and prosperous new year.

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  Le ven., déc. 28, 2018 à 7:59, hfaiedh ines<hfaiedh.ines2 at gmail.com> a écrit :   Dear NCUC Africa members,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !
For those in Africa and still in school, the NextGen at ICANN 65 programme is a good opportunity to learn more about ICANN. 

Both the programme and travel to Marrakech, Morrocco is fully-funded and it is a great introduction to how policy making processes work within the ICANN ecosystem. Applications close on 11 January.More information and the application form is available here: https://www.icann.org/public- responsibility-support/nextgen 

Best wishes_______________________________________________
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