[Ncuc-af] Recording & Attendance: NCUC Africa Members Call 02 Oct 2017

Maryam Bakoshi maryam.bakoshi at icann.org
Wed Oct 4 21:46:56 CEST 2017

Dear All,

Please find attendance and recording of the NCUC Africa Members Call on Monday 02 Oct 2017 at 1900 UTC.

Adam Ahmat Doungous, Arsene Tungali, Ayden Férdeline, Benjamin Akinmoyeje, Boucetta Cherifa, Farell Folly, Hanan Hatib, Haziq Jeelani, Houssem Kaabi, Ines Hfaiedh, Kris Seeburn, MBARA NKOUSSOU Chancelle, Alapini Muriel, Onica Makwakwa, Remmy Nweke, Wisdom Donkor, Yolanda Mlonzi, Youssouf Abdelrahim, Akinremi Peter Taiwo

Transcript: Attached

MP3: https://icann.box.com/shared/static/gm8tyqjghy5iuocp26dhi1ti61ewsiiu.mp3[mailer.samanage.com<https://icann.box.com/shared/static/gm8tyqjghy5iuocp26dhi1ti61ewsiiu.mp3%5bmailer.samanage.com>]

AC Chat:

Maryam Bakoshi: Dear All, welcome to the NCUC AF Members call on Monday 02 Oct 2017 at 1900 UTC

Kris Seeburn: hi maryam and all

Kris Seeburn: never thouht adobe connect had music to calm

hanan hatib: Salam Maryam

Maryam Bakoshi: :)

Maryam Bakoshi: WELCOME ALL

Ines Hfaiedh: Hi Maryam Hi everyone, thank you for joigning us this early :)

Maryam Bakoshi: Hi Ines, welcome!
--------------- (10/02/2017 19:50) ---------------
Adam Ahmat Doungous: salam everyone

Ines Hfaiedh: Salam Adam and Hanan

Ines Hfaiedh: @kris yes so relaxing lol
--------------- (10/02/2017 19:52) ---------------
Adam Ahmat Doungous: Alleikoum Salam @Ines
--------------- (10/02/2017 19:54) ---------------
Ayden Férdeline: Adobe Connect has elevator music

Ayden Férdeline: cool :-)
--------------- (10/02/2017 19:57) ---------------
Kris Seeburn: yes ayden... seems like it take you to the top.... but going down is another story :)
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:01) ---------------
Benjamin Akinmoyeje (Nigeria): Hello
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:03) ---------------
Farell Folly: hello all
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:04) ---------------
Ines Hfaiedh: Hi everyone

Ines Hfaiedh: thank you for joigning

Ines Hfaiedh: we will start momentarily

Remmy Nweke: Hi all
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:06) ---------------
Ines Hfaiedh: yes

hanan hatib: yes
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:09) ---------------
Arsene Tungali: good to have everyone here! hello from Congo

Remmy Nweke: Hi Ines

hanan khatib: hi

houssem kaabi: hi everyone

houssem kaabi: hi Ines :D

Onica: hi all

youssouf abdelrahim: Hi All,

Maryam Bakoshi: All, my apologies for the delay at the start of the call
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:12) ---------------
Arsene Tungali: i cannot see the slides
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:13) ---------------
youssouf abdelrahim: Me also, don''t see slides, thank

Maryam Bakoshi: Can you see it now?

Ayden Férdeline: I can see the slides. Strange that others can't

Maryam Bakoshi: If not, please close your browsr and restart that might help

youssouf abdelrahim: not yet

Muriel: Hi all, just coming

youssouf abdelrahim: ok

Maryam Bakoshi: All, please kindly mute your mic if you are not speaking. Thanks!
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:18) ---------------
houssem kaabi: nice presentation Ines

hanan khatib: Maryam i could not mute that is why i just stepped out bt i can hear you

Ines Hfaiedh: we can hear you arsene

Remmy Nweke: Arsene pls go on

Maryam Bakoshi: Thanks Hanan

houssem kaabi: you raise the question of access which present a giant obstacle to developpement in Africa, what can NCUC do in order to improve it?
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:24) ---------------
Kris Seeburn: its a battle ground right now

Remmy Nweke: i also think that accessibility  and affordability is largely outcome of economic power per capita
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:26) ---------------
Kris Seeburn: i would say the governments and isps are the key to access and the costs as ines suggested

houssem kaabi: thanks arséne

Onica Makwakwa: Unfortunately my audio seems to be on and off hope it stabilizes soon, anyone else with similar challenge?

Muriel: Yes Onica, i have the same issue

Kris Seeburn: the governments in africa in general have no idea of multi stakeholder model or even understand bottom up process
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:30) ---------------
Muriel: Kris Seeburn, that's right. Our government don't understand a lot of terms and process about internet governance

Kris Seeburn: i've seen that over six years as being part of the Afrinic board....

houssem kaabi: I think also that in order to enhance ICT in Africa it's through Edcuation and raising awerness about this issue. This why it's very improtant to target a new alternative digital education in order to raise a generation that advocate for IG issues. I think that NCUC have a key role in this process
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:33) ---------------
Wisdom Donkor: hello

Maryam Bakoshi: We cant hear you Wisdom

Wisdom Donkor: yes

Wisdom Donkor: can you hear me

Maryam Bakoshi: No we canr

Maryam Bakoshi: *cant

Onica Makwakwa: no we can't hear you

Benjamin Akinmoyeje (Nigeria): wisdom connect your mic or audio to the meeting

Wisdom Donkor: +233208128851

Benjamin Akinmoyeje (Nigeria): it is not automatic, you have to connect your audio first mr wisdom donkor

Maryam Bakoshi: Thanks Wisdom, will do

Muriel: connection failed

Farell Folly: It keeps failing....

Wisdom Donkor: i will like to dial in
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:38) ---------------
Maryam Bakoshi: I have requested this for you

Maryam Bakoshi: If you are speaking please kindly mute your mic
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:39) ---------------
Ines Hfaiedh: 23 per cent internet use gender gap wow
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:42) ---------------
Ines Hfaiedh: only 5 out of 27 countries have affordable internet
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:47) ---------------
Yolanda Mlonzi: hi everyone

Ines Hfaiedh: Hi Yolanda

Ines Hfaiedh: welcome
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:54) ---------------
Ayden Férdeline: i have to get going now, thanks all!

Kris Seeburn: tc
--------------- (10/02/2017 20:57) ---------------
Ines Hfaiedh: wisdom raised an important point of building partnerships with the private sector to improve access

Kris Seeburn: someone talked before from DRC...does he know that there is a fibre itting under the river for years....!!!
--------------- (10/02/2017 21:04) ---------------
Yolanda Mlonzi: youth!

Yolanda Mlonzi: I like all your recommendations

Maryam Bakoshi: Wisdom Donkor: With all the issues of Access there are still issues the need urgent attention 1. Content 2.Gender 3.Education and capacity building

houssem kaabi: this is quiete effective recommandations
--------------- (10/02/2017 21:07) ---------------
Ines Hfaiedh: thank you very much Yolanda and Houssem
--------------- (10/02/2017 21:08) ---------------
Onica Makwakwa: Agree with you Maryam, those indeed are the demand side issues and with regards to content, in the context of Africa, this has to be relevant content including local language. We have to tackle these simultaneously because they're interdependent.

houssem kaabi: maybe we should add the conversion of the role of teacher to a facilitator more than instrector & endorse the role of civil society to make lobbying in order to put pressure on Gov to make investiment in education
--------------- (10/02/2017 21:10) ---------------
Yolanda Mlonzi: i missed the session on access, but i hope it was emphasized that connecting the next billion presents challenges beyond just education and mere access. the unconnected are beset by poverty and real socio-economic issues . access to the internet and ICTs should be a benefit . becayause what is internet access to someone who  is living below the poverty line?
--------------- (10/02/2017 21:12) ---------------
Yolanda Mlonzi: next time, a little earlier :)

houssem kaabi: thanks Ines, Maryam, Arséne, and wisdom

Onica Makwakwa: thank you!

Ines Hfaiedh: thanks everyone good night

Yolanda Mlonzi: thank you all

Adam Ahmat Doungous: thanks all

Adam Ahmat Doungous: bye

Maryam Bakoshi: Thak you all!

youssouf abdelrahim: thank you

Many thanks,

Maryam Bakoshi | SO/AC Collaboration Services Sr. Coordinator
ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
S: Maryam.bakoshi.icann | T: +44 7737698036

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