[NCUC Finance] FY14 Draft Operating Plan Budget - Open for public comment

Avri Doria avri at acm.org
Sat May 11 16:49:05 CEST 2013


i m not on EC and follow FC.
Will say something if anything ever needs to be said

this was a response.


On 11 May 2013, at 06:43, William Drake wrote:

> Hi
> Almost all the mail that's been sent to the Finance Team list has been from people who are also subscribed to the EC list. http://lists.ncuc.org/pipermail/finance/  So I don't know if the idea of having an FT is redundant and not of enough interest to bother, and hence whether I should bother passing along finance related stuff here or just send it to the EC.  Any feedback appreciated.
> Anyway, below is the FY 14 budget link.  In terms of community support requests, everything from the regular budget cycle, including our 4 requests, is still under review.  BTW Ed added up the numbers when the requests were supported, you might find the totals interesting---the BC has asked for $81,940, IPC  $54,000, ISPs $48,000 and NCUC $34,050 => NCPH commercial interests total $183,940, noncommercial $34.050.
> Bill
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Xavier J. Calvez" <xavier.calvez at icann.org>
>> Subject: FY14 Draft Operating Plan Budget - Open for public comment
>> Date: May 11, 2013 3:52:17 AM GMT+02:00
>> To: "lesley at nominet.org.uk" <lesley at nominet.org.uk>, Heather Dryden <heather.dryden at ic.gc.ca>, "jonathan.robinson at ipracon.com" <jonathan.robinson at ipracon.com>, "pwilson at apnic.net" <pwilson at apnic.net>, "louis at louie.net" <louis at louie.net>, Olivier Crepin-Leblond <ocl at gih.com>, Patrik Fältström <patrik at frobbit.se>, "junsec at wide.ad.jp" <junsec at wide.ad.jp>, Steven Metalitz <met at msk.com>, "elisa.cooper at markmonitor.com" <elisa.cooper at markmonitor.com>, "tonyarholmes at btinternet.com" <tonyarholmes at btinternet.com>, "krosette at cov.com" <krosette at cov.com>, Robin Gross <robin at ipjustice.org>, William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch>, "alain.berranger at gmail.com" <alain.berranger at gmail.com>, "matt.serlin at markmonitor.com" <matt.serlin at markmonitor.com>, "kdrazek at verisign.com" <kdrazek at verisign.com>, Wilson Abigaba <wilson at isoc.ug>
>> Cc: "Xavier J. Calvez" <xavier.calvez at icann.org>, Janice Douma Lange <janice.lange at icann.org>, Aba Diakite <aba.diakite at icann.org>, Ken Redhead <ken.redhead at icann.org>, Carole Cornell <carole.cornell at icann.org>, Marika Konings <marika.konings at icann.org>, "Maya S. Reynolds" <maya.reynolds at icann.org>, Gabriella Schittek <gabriella.schittek at icann.org>, Jeannie Ellers <jeannie.ellers at icann.org>, David Olive <david.olive at icann.org>, Bart Boswinkel <bart.boswinkel at icann.org>, Heidi Ullrich <Heidi.Ullrich at icann.org>, Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund at icann.org>, Glen de Saint Géry <Glen at icann.org>, Robert Hoggarth <robert.hoggarth at icann.org>, Karla Valente <karla.valente at icann.org>, "Taryn S. Presley" <taryn.presley at icann.org>
>> Dear SO/AC/SG Leaders,
>> We are pleased to announce that the FY14 Draft Operating Plan and Budget has been posted for public comment.  Please visit the following links to review the budget documents, which will be reviewed during the kick-off call scheduled for Wednesday, May 15, 2013.
>> http://www.icann.org/en/news/announcements/announcement-3-10may13-en.htm
>> http://www.icann.org/en/news/public-comment/op-budget-fy14-10may13-en.htm
>> Sincerely,
>> Xavier
>> Xavier Calvez
>> ICANN – Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
>> CFO
>> Office: +1 (310) 301-5838
>> Cell: +1 (805) 312-0052
>> E-fax: +1 (310) 957-2348
>> 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300
>> Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536
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