[NCUC Finance] Fwd: [Gandi] Changes to your hosting account at Gandi

Brenden Kuerbis bkuerbis at internetgovernance.org
Wed May 15 20:36:57 CEST 2013


Brenden Kuerbis
Internet Governance Project

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <information at gandi.net>
Date: Wed, May 15, 2013 at 12:40 PM
Subject: [Gandi] Changes to your hosting account at Gandi
To: bkuerbis at internetgovernance.org

Dear Gandi Customer,

You may have seen our post on Gandibar, here:
We are making a big change for the better to our Cloud Hosting billing

This change will be activated on your Gandi account handle (XXXXXXXXXXX) by
the end of the month. There will be some subtle changes to how your
services are used and billed. Generally, the costs will go down for
nearly all users.

We are moving to a pay-as-you-go model, without the restrictions of our
previous system, which enforced reservations with a minimum monthly
commitment. All that is going away, to be replaced by Gandi Credits. The
replacement will be seamless, with no service interruption or reboots

At the moment, your account usues the equivalent of 264 credits
per hour (that is, 190080 credits per month). Your account will
be credited for the pro-rata commitment of the resources you have
reserved. You will lose no value, and in fact may gain significantly,
since you may have reserved more resources than you actually deploy.
These will be credited also.

Once the change is made to your handle, you will be able to purchase
more credits at the following rates (excluding tax):

- On demand by automatic credit from your pre-paid account:
0.0001 per credit ( 1.00 buys 10000 credits)
$0.00013 per credit ( $1.30 buys 10000 credits)
0.00009 per credit ( 0.90 buys 10000 credits)

- For a pack of 150,000 credits:
At "A" rates:

At "B" and "C" rates:

At "D" and "E" rates:

- For a pack of a million credits:
At "A" rates:

At "B" and "C" rates:

At "D" and "E" rates:

- For a pack of 2 million credits:
At "A" rates:

At "B" and "C" rates:

At "D" and "E" rates:

Bandwith will now be charged for, but only a few very heavy users will
end up paying anything. You will be able to set bandwidth limits on
interfaces, up to 100GBPS (Gigabits/Sec). You won't be charged, though,
unless you end up transferring over 100 Gigabytes a month. If you pass
this limit, then it will cost you 1400 credits
per Gigabyte up to 500 GB, and 1200 credits per Gigabyte after that.

For reference, your consumption for the last 30 days was
12 Gigabytes.

Want to get started right away?
We are still testing the new system and making minor refinements, but if
you want to be part of the first group to be migrated, we would sure
welcome your feedback. Just send an email to beta-hosting at gandi.net with
your Gandi account handle (XXXXXXXXXXX).

We will send you another email 24 hours before migrating your account,
just to make sure you are not taken by surprise when you log in to renew.

We hope you like our changes. We think it will make our services simpler
and easier to manage.

The Gandi team
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