[NCUC Finance] [NCSG-Discuss] Update on FY14 Budget call

Maria Farrell maria.farrell at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 22:51:59 CET 2013

I'd like to say the pleasure was all mine, but, well ...

Always happy to be of service, however! 


Sent from my iPhone

On 5 Mar 2013, at 18:37, Milton L Mueller <mueller at syr.edu> wrote:

> Thanks, Maria for this very useful and timely summary of a call.
> And thanks for being there and making it unnecessary for me to be there!
> From: NCSG-Discuss [mailto:NCSG-DISCUSS at LISTSERV.SYR.EDU] On Behalf Of Maria Farrell
> Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 1:15 PM
> Subject: [NCSG-Discuss] Update on FY14 Budget call
> Hi all,
> I was just on the latest of the community budget calls for the FY14 ICANN budget and strategic plan. Bill was on, too, and may have some comments. 
> Here are the greatest hits:
> FY14 Budget process and timeline.
> Long presentation on new management system and software and how it translates strategic objectives down to programs and projects run by individual staff.
> On broader issue of the FY14 budget and chances for input to it, the detail on spending will not be available till 13 May, so the chances for input will be limited before the Board makes its decision.
> My main interest was simply how to successfully make a ‘special budget request’ for travel / support, etc.:
> On special budget requests:
> March 22 first deadline
> April 19 normal deadline
> Feedback on april 26
> Publication date for budget: may 13
> Then community budget review calls, public comments, budget to be approved by board by end of June.
> No special budget requests yet received.
> Chuck Gomes made the point that the process is very different to last year – not a criticism as he thinks it’s going in the right direction – and that there will probably be a lot more questions about it, and it’s hard for people to hit the deadlines.
> Progress on payments issue. I’d asked in January how payments are actually made (cheque / transfer / direct payments to vendors) and staff said they’d get back as it’s difficult.  They’re trying to make all third party payments direct to vendors so it’s not a grant-making program but rather purchase via budget of services/products that tie into overall organizational goals.
> Do all projects have to slot into the staff program and project objectives?
> Liaise with your SG secretariat, in this case Glen, to get a check on whether the proposed activity aligns with organizational goals.
> controller at icann.org for questions in general.
> Last year’s requests:
> http://www.icann.org/en/about/planning/ops-budget/community-requests-07mar12-en.htm
> All the best, Maria
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