[NCUC Finance] Hosting the NCUC E-Platform

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Tue Feb 19 09:44:40 CET 2013

Moving to finance team only,

This is the first time we're doing this kind of thing with the team,
so the process isn't routine yet, but my idea would be that the
finance team reviews the request and either forwards it to the EC for
decision or bounces it back to the e-team if additional info or
clarifications are needed.
Once EC approves, it'd go back to the e-team again to create
the server and have the bill sent to Milton.

Am I on the right track?


On Feb 19 10:29, Tapani Tarvainen (ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info) wrote:

> On Feb 19 11:15, Wilson Abigaba (wilson at isoc.ug) wrote:
> > Dear Maria, Milton,
> > 
> > The e-platform team has resolved to revamp our current website and
> > build a new one with a whole lot of features that will benefit & grow
> > the constituency. To achieve this, we need our own server and the
> > cheapest way is to buy a virtual private server (VPS) from a hosting
> > company, at a cost of about $400 annually.
> > 
> > We are thus requesting you to purchase the VPS so that we can go ahead
> > with this, as per the detailed request, attached. We are on standby to
> > answer any clarifications or assist in any way. If approved, we'll
> > need to create an account at the hosting company.
> Actually I think we could use the same account we're now using
> for DNS registration of ncuc.org, which Brenden has created
> and where Milton already is the billing contact.

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