[NCUC Finance] FW: [Ncu-exec] who wants to help with the NCUC event in Toronto?

Milton L Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Fri Feb 8 15:22:48 CET 2013

-----Original Message-----
From: ncu-exec-bounces at ipjustice.org [mailto:ncu-exec-bounces at ipjustice.org] On Behalf Of Robin Gross
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 2:48 PM
To: Non-Commercial Users - ICT Policy - Internet Governance - ICANN
Subject: Re: [Ncu-exec] who wants to help with the NCUC event in Toronto?

Thank you all for the offer to help organize this event in Toronto!  I'm really encouraged by your support and believe we can do something worthwhile that will build bridges with other ICANN participants at the same time as engage and grow our own membership.  I'm working on a one-page overview now so we can be ready to start to promote the Toronto event in Prague and get key commitments from ICANN participants there also.

Thanks again!

On Jun 13, 2012, at 9:04 PM, Joy Liddicoat wrote:

> Hi Robin - I'd really like help and to ask others at APC if there is
> interest in supporting this - we have a good number of staff in Canada and I
> might be able to interest some more of the APC network to support in some
> way (suggesting participants, promoting the event, etc). I like your idea of
> sending a message and proposed theme to the NCUC list - once you have done
> that I will forward the message to APC networks and ask for a response.
> Cheers
> Joy  
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ncu-exec-bounces at ipjustice.org [mailto:ncu-exec-bounces at ipjustice.org]
> On Behalf Of Robin Gross
> Sent: Tuesday, 12 June 2012 6:22 a.m.
> To: Non-Commercial Users - ICT Policy - Internet Governance - ICANN
> Subject: [Ncu-exec] who wants to help with the NCUC event in Toronto?
> I'm pulling together a programming committee to plan the NCUC conference in
> Toronto (similar to what we did for the NCUC conference last year in SF).
> Who would like to help in the organization and planning of this Toronto
> event?  
> The first task is to come up with the main theme.  Brenden had a great
> suggestion along the lines of the intersection of cyber-security and human
> rights and there are good contacts / expertise in the area for a theme along
> these lines.  I also like the suggestion for NTIA ( and other GACies) and
> Dr. Crocker (and other boardies) to participate.   
> So if anyone would like to contribute to the shaping of this program and
> join the event's planning committee, please let me know, so I can start a
> focused discussion.  I'll put out a call to the NCUC list also, but want to
> get the ball rolling on a proposed theme, etc.
> Thanks,
> Robin
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