[NCUC Finance] [NCUC-EC] Budget Request Due Date Extended

William Drake william.drake at uzh.ch
Fri Apr 19 20:11:32 CEST 2013


On Apr 18, 2013, at 7:10 AM, Edward Morris <edward.morris at ALUMNI.USC.EDU> wrote:

> Please note that the deadline for the "regular track" submission window has been extended one week, until Friday April 26th.
> Let's take a deep breath, analyze the results of the fast track requests, try to fine tune our submissions and help Bill out once we've all recovered from Beijing and other responsibilities and adventures.
> https://community.icann.org/display/projfinadhocws/Community+Group+Workspace

Thanks, Ed.  Folks, please see the message I sent to both discuss lists pertaining to the two Fast Track proposals and the Bali workshops.

In addition, here's the regular budget requests I've got on my computer but haven't had time to finish.

*IGF Bali: seeking three more NCUC travel slots for the 'closed generic' ws (although a bit hard to justify since we can't put for NCUC on a panel.  In the original submission I tried to spin them on having people around to help do outreach, person a booth in the exhibition space, etc.  We'll see.

*Annual Policy Conference: given the past I think we need some smoothing wording and reasonable figures.

*Annual New EC Retreat: I'd put this into the GNSO Tool Kit request following something Robin had in NCSG's, but Rob said it has to be a regular budget item.  Idea is to do a one day boot up meeting prior to Spring meetings, get folks who may not know each other working together etc, unburdening Constituency Day of some administrative crud.

*Print Material: I'm not quite sure, have to clarify with Xavier, how the hold over from Fast Track works.

*Carlos wants to pay someone to handle e-platforms.  I don't know if ICANN funds this kind of thing, would be good to look at past approved budget requests on Confluence.  If however the folks who're doing the work don't feel the need for this, then discussion is obviously needed to come to consensus.

Now, if there's anything else we want, then we have to reach agreement on it, and someone other than me should help put a draft together if possible.  I don't want to ask for money to do stuff we don't actually have the interest and bandwidth to do, so we should consider that asking them to commit resources is committing ourselves to make good use of them.  If people are up to it great, but so far interest in constituency building seems rather mixed….



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