[NCUC E-team] an intranet for NCUC - was this ever discussed?

Renata Aquino Ribeiro raquino at gmail.com
Sun Dec 10 17:59:55 CET 2017

Dear E-Team

I'm considering organizing a few documents of NCUC which should be
non-public in an online locus somewhere

Treasurer's reports, candidates call deliberations

Things which can be shared only by EC or leadership or by specific
groups (i.e. data relevant to e-team only), things which are to be
kept for a certain amount of time only (i.e. candidate deliberation

I thought the best place for this could probably be an intranet, w/
levels of permission

Given we are always on a "poor person budget", we need "poor person" solution

So my initial thought was Google Drive

Also considered ICANN Wiki protected pages

I am now leaning towards a non-proprietary or non-politically
complicated solution, clearly none of the above

Was something like this ever considered/discussed?

Were experiments made? What was their result?

Does e-team have any suggestion how to move forward?



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