[NCUC E-team] Todo list

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Fri May 17 10:00:13 CEST 2013

We haven't done much since Beijing, let's try to get things
moving again. A quick to-do list (feel free to add whatever
I've forgotten):

(1) Mailing lists

* Rename beijing2013 to something generic ("events"?)
* Combine inreach and outreach under a new name
  ("membership-affairs"? "memberaffairs"?)

I can do theses once we decide the new names, it won't take long.

(2) New website

* There're a number of topics with nothing under them:

Participate/PDP Working Groups
Participate/Document Collaboration
Policy/Public Comments

Insofar as content for these is in the old (Ning) site
or another known location, it should be copied over.
Otherwise, that is when new content would need to
be written, it's not really e-team's task, but we
could and should prepare means for keeping these
up to date (i.e., make it easy for whoever writes
the stuff to put it here as well).

* There're also some that are pretty good but need
a bit more polish:

Executive Committee: Carlos' picture is missing.
Working Teams: formatting is a bit off, and above-mentioned
mailing list changes should be reflected here as well.

* Members' pages in Ning should be moved over.

* Once all content from Ning has been copied over,
Ning should be shut down and www.ncuc.org
directed to the new site. 

* Etherpad should be integrated with Wordpress.
(There's a plugin for that, shouldn't be hard.)

We should be able to get the above done by Durban.

(3) Member database / CiviCRM &c

This needs work, a lot or a little depending on how
ambitious we are.
I don't expect this to be finished by Durban, but
some progress should be possible.

Tapani Tarvainen

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