[NCUC E-team] Announcement lists

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Wed Jan 23 15:07:24 CET 2013

On Jan 23 13:14, William Drake (william.drake at uzh.ch) wrote:

> I guess I'd rather they stayed on a single mandatory list with bits
> of discussion (which shouldn't be high volume if people use the SG
> list for policy as has been proposed) than view the discussion list
> as optional and just get announcements. If on the other hand a lot
> of discussion switches to the NCUC list then yes people who don't
> want mail wouldn't like that. Whether such people would treat mail
> from an announce list any differently in the first place, who
> knows... 

In my experience people are very unlikely to leave announcement
type lists, as long as the volume is kept low enough.

> > Election calls, major meeting announcements and other such stuff 
> > that every member really, *really* should be aware of, sent by
> > EC chair or a secretary or someone EC nominates for the task.

> Personally I'd like these on a list people can reply to. I suppose
> we could try to remember to send each such to two lists...

No need, if the setup is such that announcement list replies
are directed to the discuss list and everybody on the
discuss list is on the announce list, too.
Those on the announce list only would have to go to the
discuss list if they want to discuss something though,
but I don't see that as a bad thing.

But the announce list can easily be created later, like when
we have something important to announce and realize half of
our members have left the discuss list...

Tapani Tarvainen

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