[NCUC E-team] Done

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Fri Dec 20 10:49:57 CET 2013

"He's done with doing."

I've completed a couple more tasks I'd had half-finished
with mailing list archives and published one more page
in Wordpress I'd had half-completed:

With that, I'm going to leave the system in your collectively
capable hands and mess with it no more.
(Except, Dave: you still haven't sent me your public key
for root access. I will still put it in place if you send
it soon, otherwise you'll have to ask Wilson or Brenden.)

The quote in the beginning notwithstanding, however, I'm not going
to vanish completely: I will probably reply to emails (although not
necessarily quickly, especially over the next three weeks),
and I won't change any passwords &c, so I'll still be able to access
the system - good security practice would suggest that you kick me
out at some point though. ;-)

Good bye and thanks for all the fish,

Tapani Tarvainen

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