[NCUC E-team] Role addresses

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Wed Dec 18 20:02:40 CET 2013

Still cleaning places up, I went through all @ncuc.org addresses and
removed myself from them. All of them still go to someone now, as most
had two or more recipients, and the rest are directed to root which
Dave graciously offered to take over.

For reference, here they are, including who gets them now:

admin	       	    Brenden, Wilson
memberadmin    	    Wilson
ncuc-memberadmin    Wilson
membadm		    Wilson
ncuc		    Brenden, Rafik, Wilson
postmaster	    Dave
webmaster	    Dave
listmaster     	    Dave
twitter		    Brenden, Wilson
youtube		    Brenden, Wilson

Some (like the extra variants of memberadmin) could probably be
removed; listmaster hasn't actually ever been used but could be
(it was intended to be shared alias for list admins, like Joly
mentioned earlier).

Anyway, you might want to review the above and consider
who should be getting what. In particular memberadmin
and ncuc (which is used in printer brochures) might
need more people to handle them.


For the technical people among us, a note about email setup:

@ncuc.org -addresses are handled by Gandi and managed by DNS admins
(of which I'm still one, besides Brenden and Wilson - who wants to
replace me there?). At present they're all aliases pointing to
something at ncuc1.ncuc.org.

ncuc1.ncuc.org is the actual name of our VPS and it handles
addresses ending @ncuc1.ncuc.org, but those should never be
used publicly, only in internal aliases. This mechanism
allows changing @ncuc.org recipients inside ncuc1, without
changing the aliases in Gandi. (They're generally either
account names in ncuc1 and redirected with .forward,
or aliases defined in /etc/aliases.)

@lists.ncuc.org addresses are directed directly to ncuc1
and to Mailman (using postfix transport rule). This makes
things very easy, everything list-related can be done
from within Mailman without messing up with aliases &c
(ignore things like that in Mailman documentation,
should you read such).

Tapani Tarvainen

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