[NCUC E-team] Regular task list

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Tue Dec 10 13:03:12 CET 2013

Here's a brief list of regular, eh, "e-tasks" that someone
should take responsibility of, from the top of my head
(meaning I've probably forgotten some):

(1) Website content & appearance.
This doesn't require any real technical expertise,
just simple Wordpress content editing, but some
things should be done in a timely fashion.

(2) Mailing list management.
Again, no expertise required, although some tasks are
fairly frequent.

(3) Member database management.
Unfortunately I never got around to creating a pretty interface
for this, but there's phpgpadmin, a basic database web GUI
that's simple enough to use with a little documentation
about the database content.
The only hard part is getting the data...

(4) Linux system administration.
There's very little that needs doing on an ongoing basis,
but someone should read root's emails and be able to react
to things like disk filling up &c.

(5) Wordpress administration.
Upgrading Wordpress itself, possibly installing new plugins &c.

(6) Domain, VPN resources and SSL certificate renewal.
Mainly, forwarding bills to the treasurer in time, once a year.
Easy but rather embarrassing if forgotten.
(Now we're actually using only self-signed SSL certificate,
we should get a proper one ASAP.)

(7) Election management.
Yearly process, actually very easy if member database is
up to date (I wrote a simple tool for producing voter roll
in the format Glen &co want it automatically from the db).

I will open at least some of these up in more detail later.

Tapani Tarvainen

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