[Bylaws] Bylaws revision - working method

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Fri Aug 14 14:36:54 CEST 2015

On Aug 14 16:47, Arun Mohan Sukumar (arunmohan.s at gmail.com) wrote:

> For the revision, since we've two months to attempt this before
> Constituency Day in Dublin, may I suggest one working method? Comments,
> suggestions most welcome
> 1. There are 10 sections in the NCUC charter - perhaps we could go through
> this section-by-section, and compare them with the NCSG charter to ensure
> they are in line.

This a bit problematic, as it may miss inconsistencies between
sections or issues arising from multiple sections combined effect.
Also, besides conflicts with NCSG charter there're other problems
in the bylaws, situations not covered or open to multiple
interpretations &c.

And that's without going in to the bigger issue of making
bylaws match how things are actually done, for example
regarding PC Committee which Amr mentioned.

Going through the text section-by-section might be
a good way to start, but not enough, I think.
At least we must be prepared to backtrack when
we come across something conflicting a section
already handled.

Tapani Tarvainen

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