[NCUC-EC] NCUC Open Meeting at ICANN 70

Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix rbeauregardlacroix at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 11:57:07 CET 2021

Dear all,

Please find below the agenda for the NCUC Open meeting during ICANN 70

I would kindly invite you all to do a short presentation of whatever has
been going on/what is upcoming at the regional level, although there may
not have been much due to covid etc. Does not need to be long - a few
minutes will suffice, 5 min max. NCUC has historically had that regional
structure and I think it would be great to keep up with that :)

Also, I was thinking of having a "bigger" discussion block on "technical
internet governance" (TIG) and use that time to report on what Org is up to
in that regard (following my call with Göran) and also have us reflect on
how we should engage Org on that matter.

CCWG HR may report during our call or during NCSG - I will see with Bruna
on that. In case it's NCSG, then we will simply use that extra time on the
TIG discussion.

This is due today, so if you have any comments be quick ;)


Have a nice day,
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