[NCUC-EC] Draft Constituency Day Agenda (input SVP)

William Drake william.drake at uzh.ch
Thu Mar 28 20:52:40 CET 2013


I sent an earlier version of this on 13 March and only got a reply from Konstantinos.  Before I post it to the members list with call details etc, any additional input here would be appreciated.  Yes I know it's a lot to cover but we have put a lot on the plate and we need members to know about it and hopefully decide to pitch in, so it will simply be an issue of time management and sticking to the point.  It can be done.

I'm hoping we can have some distributed leadership on some topics, rather than me droning on through each item.  I've put some names in parentheses of folks who have said in the past they're prepared to step up on something, or whom I'm hoping to prevail upon for some commentary.  Each should provide a brief overview and lead brief discussion on the respective topics.  Please let me know if these are ok, you want changes, you have additional suggestions, etc.

In some cases, it would make sense for some such people to use some slides, e.g. it'd be good if someone could provide some visualization of what we're doing collocating stuff with the VPS, a list of new members with categories/distributions, list of new listservs & details, a mock up of potential web site redesign (e.g. show Sarah's stuff), and so on.  Visuals will help people keep awake and focused through a 3 hour meeting, particularly folks participating remotely.  



NCUC Constituency Day Meeting Agenda v. 1
Beijing, Tuesday 9 April 2013

1.  Introductions
2.  The New Constituency Building Initiative: Background and Organization
3. E-platforms 					[1st quarter priority]
New VPS										(Wilson Abigaba, Tapani Tarvainen)
New Member Roster 							(Tapani Tarvainen)
New Listservs 								(Tapani Tarvainen)
New Website Development  						(Wilson Abigaba, Brenden Kuerbis)
Web content: institutional memory, teams, members, etc.
Other (e.g. Video, accounts streaming, FB, twitter)	(Brenden Kuerbis)
4. Finance and Budget
Organization and Roles
Fast Track Requests submitted 22 March: IGF Bali, print materials
Regular Requests due 19 April
GNSO Tool Kit Requests
Travel Funding Guidelines
5.  Programming
Beijing: Panel Themes & WS Publicity			       (Wolfgang Kleinwachter, Milton Mueller)
Annual Conferences 
In-Meeting Workshops
6.  Now in Launch Stage Team Efforts
In-reach/Member Engagement					(Ed Morris)
Outreach/ Recruitment							(Ed Morris)
Communications								(Mary Wong and/or Ed)

10:30/5 	Coffee Break

10:50 - 11:10	Nomcom visit

7. Bylaws Revision & NCUC Ontology [2nd quarter priority]
Problems & Priorities
Main Discussion Items
Redefine Nature of EC Seats?
Policy Committee? 
Role of constituency more generally, division of labor with NCSG & NPOC
11:45-12:00  PIR Visit

7. (bis) Bylaws Discussion Continued

8.  AOB

12:30 End

William J. Drake
International Fellow & Lecturer
  Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ
  University of Zurich, Switzerland
Chair, Noncommercial Users Constituency, 
  ICANN, www.ncuc.org
william.drake at uzh.ch

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