[NCUC Finance] financial report for 2012

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Tue Feb 5 08:19:12 CET 2013

On Feb 04 14:38, Milton L Mueller (mueller at syr.edu) wrote:

> You will notice that most expenditures are roughly linked to ICANN
> meetings,


> and so are the donations, except for PIR.

That is actually not entirely obvious from your summary,
as there's no indication which donations are from where.
(Little mathematician in me tells there're three different
ways the totals shown could've been split among the
individual sums.)

> NIC.BR's support consisted of special donations to the Toronto
> conference, I think. I think the 15 k PIR one may also be related to
> that.

OK, with that and looking at totals I gather NIC.BR made
the single $20k donation in October and PIR the two
$5k ones and one $15k one, and Afilias obviously
made their $2970 donation in November. Good.

> Typically, we simply invoice PIR for those regular donations, and
> whoever is running our conferences hits them (and others) up for
> special donations.

Do I understand correctly that the regular donations
are $5000 three times a year from PIR, and all
beyond that are special and need to be negotiated
separately each time?

Tapani Tarvainen

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