[NCUC Outreach] Outreach Meeting, Friday at 20:00 UTC

Edward Morris edward.morris at alumni.usc.edu
Thu Mar 28 09:56:08 CET 2013

Hi Bill,

I had considered using Google Hangout but some of our members specifically
requested Skype for this meeting. Hangout requires a small download and
those accessing the meeting from their places of employment might not have
the privileges to do so on their corporate system.


On Thursday, March 28, 2013, William Drake wrote:

> Sounds good Ed.  And of course, there's also the NCSG call earlier in the
> day, preparing for Beijing.
> In the future we might consider Google hang outs, I've not used yet but
> some folks who have think it's better.  Let's see what evolves…
> Cheers
> BD
> On Mar 28, 2013, at 2:47 AM, Edward Morris <edward.morris at ALUMNI.USC.EDU<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'edward.morris at ALUMNI.USC.EDU');>>
> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I'm pleased to announce that we will be holding our first NCUC Outreach
> Meeting this Friday March 29th at 20:00 UTC. You can find the time in your
> time zone by going here:
> http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UTC.aspx.
> For this initial meeting we'll be using Skype as our medium of
> communication. I am currently connected with Bill and Olga on Skype. If
> everyone else could submit a contact request to me at 'ejmorris' as soon as
> convenient I'll be sure to accept and add you to the conversation a few
> minutes before it's scheduled start.
> As this is our first meeting I'd like to keep things as flexible as
> possible. Outreach can mean many things. My principle goal for this meeting
> is to define what we mean by Outreach, what we hope to accomplish in the
> nine months remaining in this year and how we expect to accomplish these
> goals. I have some ideas I'll present at the outset and then let the group
> dictate the direction of the conversation. My hope is we conclude the
> meeting with some concrete ideas as to where we'd like to go with our
> Outreach program. I'll present our ideas to the Community in Beijing,
> incorporate feedback, and then hope we can meet in more structured form the
> week of April 22nd to begin to implement our action plan.
> Some of the issues you might want to think about prior to the meeting are:
> Outreach goals: numbers vs. need, diversity, organizations vs individuals
> Outreach methods:  events / conferences, online programming, networking,
> cold calls
> Outreach needs: materials, resources, cooperative ventures
> I'll start the conversation with a summary of recent accomplishments at
> the NCUC e-platform level that positively position Outreach and will detail
> a few initiatives that have already been started, both by this Executive
> Committee and it's predecessor.
> I look forward to meeting with everyone on Friday.
> Kind Regards,
> Edward Morris
> Coordinator
> NCUC Outreach Committee
> edward.morris at alumni.usc.edu <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
> 'edward.morris at alumni.usc.edu');>
> Skype:  ejmorris
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