[NCUC Outreach] [NCUC E-team] Ning approvals

Robin Gross robin at ipjustice.org
Sun Mar 10 16:40:59 CET 2013

PS:  Also, our current "what we are evaluating now" list for NCSG  
applications is here:

The above link is public.


On Mar 10, 2013, at 8:12 AM, Tapani Tarvainen wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 07:57:12PM +0900, Rafik Dammak  
> (rafik.dammak at gmail.com) wrote:
>> for the ncuc membership, people and org should apply before to  
>> NCSG and can
>> express their desire to join NCUC
> The current ncuc.org site is somewhat confusing in that respect,
> people don't always realize that, which is indeed why the present
> situation arose.
> (It should get better when we get the site revamped, hopefully soon.)
>> when there is batch of NCSG applicant approved and expressed  
>> willing to
>> join NCUC, we will send to NCUC EC and inreach team. currently we  
>> didn't
>> approve yet . I updated Ed last time.
>> for those pending applications in ncuc, maybe first step to check  
>> if they
>> are already members of NCUC and then check with the remaining if  
>> possible.
> Yes, but it would be much easier if we could just compare them with
> NCSG applicants rather than contacting them individually.
> And even when (hopefully) this particular problem goes away with the
> new site design, it would still be very useful if we could track the
> application processing within NCSG rather than just being notified in
> batches when they're approved.
> In particular I'd like to be able to tell people how their application
> is going when they ask (or better, point them to somewhere they can
> check it themselves). Now they're likely to stumble on
> https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Applicants+to+NCSG
> and start wondering if NCSG applications take years to process.
> (A good membership management program would maintain something
> like that automatically, maybe also send email to applicants
> when their application's status changes.)
> -- 
> Tapani Tarvainen

Robin Gross, Executive Director
1192 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA  94117  USA
p: +1-415-553-6261    f: +1-415-462-6451
w: http://www.ipjustice.org     e: robin at ipjustice.org

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