[NCUC Outreach] [NCUC E-team] Ning approvals

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Sun Mar 10 16:12:16 CET 2013

On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 07:57:12PM +0900, Rafik Dammak (rafik.dammak at gmail.com) wrote:

> for the ncuc membership, people and org should apply before to NCSG and can
> express their desire to join NCUC

The current ncuc.org site is somewhat confusing in that respect,
people don't always realize that, which is indeed why the present
situation arose.
(It should get better when we get the site revamped, hopefully soon.)

> when there is batch of NCSG applicant approved and expressed willing to
> join NCUC, we will send to NCUC EC and inreach team. currently we didn't
> approve yet . I updated Ed last time.
> for those pending applications in ncuc, maybe first step to check if they
> are already members of NCUC and then check with the remaining if possible.

Yes, but it would be much easier if we could just compare them with
NCSG applicants rather than contacting them individually.

And even when (hopefully) this particular problem goes away with the
new site design, it would still be very useful if we could track the
application processing within NCSG rather than just being notified in
batches when they're approved.

In particular I'd like to be able to tell people how their application
is going when they ask (or better, point them to somewhere they can
check it themselves). Now they're likely to stumble on


and start wondering if NCSG applications take years to process.

(A good membership management program would maintain something
like that automatically, maybe also send email to applicants
when their application's status changes.)

Tapani Tarvainen

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