[Ncuc-na] FW: Applications Open: Nonprofit & Public Interest Orgs

Ken Herman ken at kherman.com
Thu Mar 16 15:21:31 CET 2023

Good morning, NCUC North America members.


See this interesting opportunity shared by Ms. Perrin.



NCUC-EC North America Representative


From: NCSG-Discuss <NCSG-DISCUSS at LISTSERV.SYR.EDU> On Behalf Of Stephanie E Perrin
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 11:15 AM
Subject: Fwd: Applications Open: Nonprofit & Public Interest Orgs



This might be of interest to some of our US based members.

Stephanie Perrin
-------- Forwarded Message -------- 


Applications Open: Nonprofit & Public Interest Orgs


Wed, 15 Mar 2023 10:34:11 -0400


Betsy Cooper, Aspen Institute  <mailto:aspentechpolicyhub at aspeninstitute.org> <aspentechpolicyhub at aspeninstitute.org>


aspentechpolicyhub at aspeninstitute.org <mailto:aspentechpolicyhub at aspeninstitute.org> 


stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca

You don't often get email from aspentechpolicyhub at aspeninstitute.org <mailto:aspentechpolicyhub at aspeninstitute.org> . Learn why this is important <https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification> 


The Tech Policy Hub’s new fellowship 








Applications Open Now


Nonprofit and Public Interest Fellowship


July 10-28, 2023


The Aspen Tech Policy Hub <https://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=71006102&msgid=992370&act=FFA5&c=337460&pid=3835357&destination=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aspentechpolicyhub.org%2F&cf=113015&v=54bfc2699b6268cdcab9ec08dcc35bd2e0e9badc59e3bfe2f603d9cdc66b8696>  has launched a Nonprofit and Public Interest Fellowship <https://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=71006102&msgid=992370&act=FFA5&c=337460&pid=3835357&destination=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aspentechpolicyhub.org%2Fnonprofit-and-public-interest-fellowship%2F&cf=113015&v=1af26fc52fca72df0354e657c5fcef59063c34211a33c2853712a7feb20b9076>  to support public interest and nonprofit organizations in achieving policy impact.


 <https://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=71006102&msgid=992370&act=FFA5&c=337460&pid=3835357&destination=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aspentechpolicyhub.org%2Fnonprofit-and-public-interest-fellowship%2F&cf=113015&v=1af26fc52fca72df0354e657c5fcef59063c34211a33c2853712a7feb20b9076> Learn More and Apply

Selected organizations will be paid a $6,000 honoraria to defray costs of participating in the in-person fellowship. Out of town participants will also receive a small stipend to cover travel to the Bay Area.




The Hub will host a full-time, 3-week bootcamp in the Bay Area. Leaders representing their organizations will participate as fellows and learn how to have policy impact. Fellows will have the option to take advantage of Hub staff support by working part-time and remotely on a final project from July 28 to September 15, 2023.




The Hub is seeking US-based organizations working in the public interest – for instance, nonprofits, public benefit corporations, unions, or university centers – that want to build a capacity to change policy. 

To be eligible, an organization (or the unit within the organization that is applying) must not currently employ any policy or government relations staff or lobbyists and must have at least one leader available to join us as a fellow for 3 weeks in the Bay Area. 

Organizations focused on science, technology, cybersecurity, or a related field will be prioritized. Organizations that work directly with communities who face marginalization and/or that seek to tackle disparities around race and ethnicity, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and other aspects of diversity will also be prioritized.




Required bootcamp (in-person)


July 10-28, 2023 (tentative)


Optional final project (remote)


July 31-September 15, 2023 (tentative)


 <https://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=71006102&msgid=992370&act=FFA5&c=337460&pid=3835357&destination=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aspentechpolicyhub.org%2Fnonprofit-and-public-interest-fellowship%2F&cf=113015&v=1af26fc52fca72df0354e657c5fcef59063c34211a33c2853712a7feb20b9076> Learn More and Apply

Hub staff will host informational webinars for prospective applicants on March 23, April 5, and April 11, 2023. 


 <https://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=71006102&msgid=992370&act=FFA5&c=337460&pid=3835357&destination=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aspentechpolicyhub.org%2Fannouncing-nonprofit-and-public-interest-fellowship-recruitment-webinars%2F&cf=113015&v=f06b537bda7327a5c2b092d930d534740c57dbdb8815efb316029d05b3a88d13> Register for an Information Session





 <https://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=71006102&msgid=992370&act=FFA5&c=337460&pid=3835357&destination=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aspeninstitute.org%2Fprograms%2Faspendigital%2F&cf=113015&v=37124bfbfa8d99b765ffa15787d122abcc1011c8da04ef8825a83de1c722c248> Aspen Digital empowers policy-makers, civic organizations, companies, and the public to be responsible stewards of technology and media in the service of an informed, just, and equitable world. A program of the Aspen Institute, we shine a light on urgent global issues across cybersecurity, the information ecosystem, emerging technology, the industry talent pipeline, tech and communications policy, and innovation. We then turn ideas to action and develop human solutions to these digital challenges.


 <https://app.icontact.com/icp/mmail-mprofile.php?r=71006102&l=113015&s=FFA5&m=992370&c=337460> Unsubscribe 

This message was sent to stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca <mailto:stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca>  from aspentechpolicyhub at aspeninstitute.org <mailto:aspentechpolicyhub at aspeninstitute.org> 

Betsy Cooper, Aspen Institute
Aspen Institute
2300 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037


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