[Ncuc-eur] NCUC Membership Call | 2 February at 15:00 UTC

Olga Kyryliuk olga_kyryliuk at ukr.net
Tue Jan 31 21:10:29 CET 2023

Dear NCUC Members,

I want to kindly remind that our membership meeting will take place on THURSDAY, 2 February at 15:00 UTC.  Additional time zone support here. Please join us if your work schedules allow so. During the call we will discuss, among other things, PTI leadership opportunities, HRIA, mentorship and engagement, and will start planning for ICANN 76. 

Join Zoom Meeting:  https://icann.zoom.us/j/94092142200?pwd=TnpWeFhha3lsbytJRG1tR1E3MHIwUT09
Meeting ID: 940 9214 2200
Passcode: APaP=1ET!9
Meeting ID: 940 9214 2200
Passcode: 3944587510
Find your local number: https://icann.zoom.us/u/ajYiTPmj5
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,94092142200#,,,,*3944587510# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,94092142200#,,,,*3944587510# US (Chicago)

Olga Kyryliuk
NCUC EC Europe Representative 
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