[Ncuc-eur] Fwd: Travel slot for Barcelona available for underserved and under-represented countries in Europe
farzaneh badii
farzaneh.badii at gmail.com
Mon Jul 23 21:52:58 CEST 2018
Thank you Louise.
I also add that, while priority would be given to the residents of the
mentioned countries, if we do not receive applications from them, we can
accept applications from a person from developing country
residing/working/studying in Europe (anywhere in Europe, not limited to
the list we provided)
On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 3:50 PM Louise Marie Hurel <
louise.marie.hsd at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> There's one travel slot available for a traveler from an underrepresented
> and underserved country for the Barcelona meeting. GSE Europe has suggested
> that members from the following countries applied:
> Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
> Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova,
> Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Ukraine.
> Please review NCSG chair Farzaneh Badii's email below.
> *Deadline is on July 26th*
> Feel free to reach out, should you have any questions.
> All the best,
> Louise Marie Hurel
> Cybersecurity Project Coordinator | Igarapé Institute
> London School of Economics (LSE) Media and Communications (Data and
> Society)
> Skype: louise.dias
> +44 (0) 7468 906327
> *l.h.dias at lse.ac.uk <l.h.dias at lse.ac.uk> *
> louise.marie.hsd at gmail.com
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: farzaneh badii <farzaneh.badii at gmail.com>
> Date: 20 July 2018 at 03:30
> Subject: Travel slot for Barcelona available for underserved and
> under-represented countries in Europe
> To: NCSG-DISCUSS at listserv.syr.edu
> Dear members
> We had an additional budget request approved that will allow us to select
> "1 traveler per ICANN Public Meeting in FY19 (i.e. ICANN63, 64, and 65)
> from an underserved and underrepresented country within the applicable
> ICANN meeting region".
> For the first meeting, Barcelona ICANN63, ICANN GSE European region staff
> reviewed the ABR and suggest we select someone from one of the following
> countries:
> Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
> Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova,
> Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Ukraine.
> Staff looked at economic measurements, NCSG membership, and general review
> of the DNS sector and ICANN community in Europe, this list is the result.
> If we receive no applications from one of these countries, we will ask
> ICANN to open to opportunity to an NCSG member from a developing country
> who is domiciled (i.e. studying, working) in any European country.
> while the applicant is preferably from one of the mentioned countries and
> should be a leader, this call is open to those who are newcomers/less
> active members but plan to become more active at NCSG and its
> constituencies and take part in policy discussion.
> A commitment to attend all NCSG meetings ( and the candidate's
> constituency meetings if the candidate belongs to a consistency) during
> ICANN 63 is necessary. Also, the traveler has to select one policy topic
> ongoing at the GNSO and say in its statement how it will follow and report
> on it.
> If the candidate belongs to a constituency with requirements for
> engagement with for example a mentorship program in order to travel, the
> traveler has to closely work with the constituency to abide by those rules
> as well and be a part of mentorship program which starts before the Icann
> meeting and continues during and after.
> Please send your statement of interest by July 26 to
> maryam.bakoshi at icann.org and farzaneh.badii at gmail.com
> NCSG EC will make a decision within 7 days of submission deadline.
> Text of the ABR below.
> Warm regards,
> FB
> FY19-08-NCSG-Participation of Leaders from Developing Countries at ICANN
> Meetings NCSG request for support of leadership from developing countries
> at ICANN Public Meetings
> (Yes)(10,045)(to be managed by Benedetta Rossi, Manager for Policy Support
> & Community Services, ICANN Policy Development Support)
> The success of similar pilot efforts and the opportunity presented for
> leadership recruitment from under served and underrepresented countries
> qualifies this request for support. Approval is granted for 1 traveller per
> ICANN Public Meeting in FY19 (i.e. ICANN63, 64, and 65) from an underserved
> and underrepresented country within the applicable ICANN meeting region.
> Approval of this request is contingent upon coordination with ICANN’s
> Policy Development Support Team and on the submission of a written report
> within 30 days of travel which addresses how the opportunity met the
> request objectives and each itemized metric as per the community request.
> The report is to be submitted to sbr-outcomes at icann.org and is a
> condition of future resource allocations. Unused travel allocations may not
> be carried over to future meetings or the next fiscal year. Approved travel
> means economy airfare + hotel + per diem for 1 traveller as noted above.
> Farzaneh
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